After the horrific events in Paris that occurred on November 13th 2015, which killed 129 people there has been a mass of responses across the Web 2.0. In particular the attacks evoked a range of activity on the social media site Facebook including; French flag profile pictures, individual’s series of events circulating and the creation of hashtags. Many of which offer condolence to those which have been affected.

One video which caught my attention in particular, was that of Antoine Leiris. His wife was killed in the Bataclan Concert Hall attack, and he has been left a widower to raise his 17 month old son. Among the mass circulation of the responses which range from military intervention to a pacifist stance, he has posted a video as a victim of the attacks and his response is one that is exceptionally powerful and incredibly heartfelt. In his post he claims that the “dead souls” who killed his wife will not receive “the gift of hating” instead his son will “affront [them] by being happy and free”. It is heart-wrenching story which has demonstrated tremendous strength and bravery. Through the circulation of Leiris’ personal story, he has led by example of a peaceful yet dynamic response. Instead of responding with “the same ignorance” as the terrorists (as many of the hateful posts do) he is remaining strong and not dedicating any further time to these terrorists.

I believe that it is posts such as these in which Facebook truly shows its power. Among all of the hatred and political tension which is circulating its networks, Leiris has shared a story which demonstrates to others how influential such a peaceful response can be. His original post to date has been shared 221, 328 times, and his video has been viewed over 46,000,000 times to date. The responses to it have been that of sympathy and respect, just a few include:

“He is a far far stronger man than I will ever be.”

“To powerful and moving..your Beautiful wife is at eternal rest and your son is very lucky to have you as his Father.”

“A very dignified young man who should be revered. I personally do not know this man but I have a deep respect for him”

“You are the epitome of what a human being should be sir. Love and laughter to you and your son. May your wife R.I.P”