Original PETA Advertisement


Shortly after the publication of a report that went viral from the International Agency for Research on Cancer relating to processed meat and colorectal cancer in late 2015, people for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) published this controversial billboard campaign. In attempt to create awareness of the link between eating processed meats and developing cancer, which featured a child smoking, the advertisement immediately caused PETA to be critiqued. With PETA being a long time advocate of veganism, they jumped on the opportunity to boast in their values, in hopes that people would re think their food consumption habits, now that there was “evidence” of the correlation of red meat consumption and cancer development. Undoubtedly the advertisement had an adverse effect, as later a follow up report was published clarifying that there is no conclusive evidence that consuming processed red meat “definitely” causes cancer, yet on this billboard the text that reads “eating bacon, sausage and other processed meats is linked to cancer” implies that there is science to back up this claim. Although PETA may find using a child smoking on their billboard a creative way to capture viewers attention, I believe it to be illogical for the mere reason that it is unquestionable that a parent would never allow their child to smoke. Furthermore, comparing red meat and tobacco consumption as equal carcinogenic substances is erroneous since there is no sound evidence that eliminating red meat from the diet will prevent cancer, yet smoking cessation continues to be the number one cancer preventative strategies.

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