Comments on other’s blog/blog #3

I have read this blog and I agreed with most of the author’s opinions. He hold the idea that it is difficult for people to change their mind to buy Blackberries instead of buying from a brand that they have already familiar with. I totally agree that people do not expect to change, so blackberry may find it hard to dominate the market.

He also comments in the blogs that “trying to sell a dying brand to a market based around brand loyalty isn’t the brightest idea.” This is true that Blackberry is not a big brand compare with Apple or Samsung and it’s market share is suffering from a declining trend. However, Blackberry still has a good reputation and high visibility around Canada, or maybe around the world. Many people still believe in the brand name, and Blackberry still has a lot of fans around the world.

I also want to add my own opinion and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Blackberry’s latest product ——”Passport”. It changed the screen width and made the aspect different from other smart phones, and research showed that this is the best width to make people reading and watching comfortable. It also developed the area of business uses and made people more convenient to use the phone in business.

From these points, we can see the innovation of Blackberry. However, I saw an arguement comment that it costs higher for blackberry to produce the handset compare with other larger companies like Apple, who shipped 32.5 million iPhones during the second quarter of this year, while BlackBerry moved only 1.5 million handsets. As a result, Blackberry have set a rather high price for the phone. So it may not balance the supply and demand.

Everything is uncertain now for the future of Blackberry. I am looking forward to watching the result.

Blog #2

Alibaba Group’s success
In the evening of September the 19th, 2014, the Chinese biggest e-commerce site listed stock in New York. It brought a feast of capital that night, and the IPO raised an amount of 20 billion dollar.How can Alibaba be so success in 15 years?

First, It appeared in the correct time in the correct country. During the beginnng of 21st centery, the economy of China developed rapidly, many small companies were founded and they needed a channel to gain all kinds of information. Alibaba provided a platform to gain all kinds of information. Also, Alibaba built a bridge between enterprises to help them trade successfully.

Second, it created a new mode of e-commerce. It does not produce products themselves so that they do not need capital for R&D and warehouses, they play a role of ‘middleman’ in every transaction. It also provides a wholesale market that neither Amazon nor ebay can do that.

Next, Alibaba’s customers cost very low to enjoy their services. It offers free registration, and it costs nothing for ordinary members to transact through Alibaba’s retail platforms. For TrustPass members, it costs no more than $400 per year to carry out domestic trades. But because of the large number of transaction. Alibaba still earns a lot.

As Alibaba listed stock in New York, it attracts lots of investors because it provides a tool to open up China’s emerging middle class market. Also, this event is the symbol of the coming of China’s internet era.

#COMM101 assignment# Business ethics

Wild West’ of groundwater: Billion-dollar Nestlé extracting B.C.’s drinking water for free .

In the passage, we can see that Nestle has against the external part of business ethics in  two areas, the customer ethics as well as the environmental ethics. They sell bottle water to the customers at a price even higher then gasoline, but actually, they cost nothing for the  water. We cannot say that in this situation,  they deceive the customer, but we can say that it is unfair to both the costomers and other corporations that compete with them. Also, because that B.C.’s lack of groundwater regulation, they get  water without control. Although they said that they are prepared to hand in the permit , but it doesn’t mean that they care about the environment, care about how much ground water they can take. This is where they against the environmental ethics. I think Nestlé has the responsibility to obey the moral rule of the ethics of business but not to focus on their profit as much as possible.