adventures in academia, university life and other mischief

New Year’s Eve

Mark the date: September 3rd, 2012—The eve of my first day as an official UBC student.

Okay, that’s a bit of a lie. The truth is, I’ve already had six weeks of being a UBC student; When I transferred to UBC back in May 2012, I made the completely brilliant* decision to take CHEM 233 (organic chemistry) in the 6-week summer session.

* It wasn’t a brilliant decision at all.

Did I mention that I did a full-semester organic chemistry course in six weeks? And that I’m not in any way, shape or form a chemistry major, or even a science major?

That experience could be summed up in eight words: What doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger.

Or maybe just two: I passed.

(I’ll write a survival guide on it sometime, I promise.)

But, I digress. Tomorrow is my real first day, and I am STOKED! Sure, there’s a bit of trepidation—my first two years at Langara were pretty amazing, and thus, are going to be pretty hard to top—but mostly, I’m just really excited for this next chapter in my life; A chapter I’ve waited many years to finally get to.

So, here’s to the New Year: Here’s new adventures, new friends, new knowledge, new challenges and new opportunities. Here’s to taking risks and finding rewards. But most of all, here’s to an experience we will never forget.

September 3, 2012   No Comments