Amazon jumps on the tablet market

Jeff Bezos, the chief executive of Amazon, introduced “Kindle fire”–an upgraded tablet version of its original black and white e-reading device— on Wednesday, September 28th.  Along with its glossy 7 inch color touch screen and a dual core processor, Mr. Bezos put an emphasis on its price, which is less than half of the cheapest Ipad ($499)  on the market.  Amazon also established Fire’s web browser called “Amazon Silk”, which allow

Source: Digital Trends

Source: Digital Trends

the customers to get quick and easy access to numerous contents that Amazon provides.  Nevertheless, Amazon’strategy seems exceedingly provocative and risky in away.  If Amazon fails to break through the market dominated by Apple’s Ipad and Nook from Barnes & Noble, it will be nearly impossible to find a break even point with the trivial profit coming from e-books, movies, and television shows.

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