Fall of Rise: UK’s Social Entrepreneurship Face Chanlleges

RISE, one of Southern UK’s most well known social enterprises that advocates and lobbies for social entrepreneurship both locally and nationally, has announced its bankruptcy.  The discussion regarding remaining assets of RISE were held at one of the major regional social entrepreneurship conferences.  Popular resolution was to transfer the assets to the Social Enterprise Mark company (which also possess nationwide membership), but this proposal has been rejected by members of RISE.   RISE is probably one of the victims that received most damage from the British government’s decision to decrease funding and eliminate regional development agencies.  Andrew North, chair of the RISE Board,  commented: ‘It is with great sadness that the rise Board of Directors has been tasked with the closure of Rise, but with the demise of the South West RDA and a lack of Government support for social enterprises, there is no other alternative”.  Under financial chaos, the British government’s decision to cut expenditures is understandable.  Nevertheless,   I think social enterprises  are the ones that are able to suggest innovative solutions with out causing any dead weight loses, as government intervention will often do.  They may have broader understanding to more regional problems than the government officials, and those who need the help, would find more intimacy to social enterprises like RISE, than the government.


souce: Rise Homepage

souce: Rise Homepage



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