Little Sheep Mongolian Hot Pot reluctant to serve costumers for a second round

“Little Sheep Mongolian Hot Pot” is a well-known restaurant founded in 1999 with over 300 chain restaurants internationally. Recently, some visitors have complained that “Little Sheep Mongolian Hot Pot” is unwilling to serve customers for a second round. For an all-you-can-eat restaurant this behavior is not acceptable. In order to determine whether this rumor was reliable or not, I decided to visit this restaurant on Sunday, Oct.13th. After finishing ordering the first round of dishes, we received the dishes promptly, in 10 minutes. Later, we asked for the menu again and started eagerly in on a second round of ordering. After waiting for 20 minutes, we were served lettuce and cabbage. We decided to remind the servers and asked them to rush our food order. After another 10 minutes had passed, we only received a reluctant plate of mushrooms. Because the store policy states that the dining time has to be limited to two hours, we were forced to leave without receiving another two plates of beef and some fungus. For a well-known and highly regarded restaurant, such behavior is totally unacceptable. I wonder if the strategy of making profits implies taking advantage of costumers and not serving sufficient potions of food on time. I guess I will have to wait a long time for an answer from “Little Sheep Mongolian Hot Pot” from Burnaby.

10 thoughts on “Little Sheep Mongolian Hot Pot reluctant to serve costumers for a second round

  1. I always eat there but the one in Richmond.

    I never tried all you can eat there though.

    The lamb is really tasty haha!

    Do you think it is only this Little Lamb or other ones too?

    Also which location is there because I am going to avoid this place!

    1. I went to the one in burnaby, #200 – 4755 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5H 4W2.
      The one in Burnaby is all you can eat, but i have not yet tried the one in richmond.
      I actually visited the restaurant again this Sunday, Nov.10th.
      To be honest, they do have a variety of choices(dishes) which i really appreciate, and the food quality is actually decent.
      Although the waitress was extremely friendly and helpful, I had to admit that it toke a long time for the second round of dishes to be served.
      After waiting for 20 minutes, my friends and I received a reluctant dish of vegetables. Until we finished all the vegetables, the waitress served the meat balls and beef.

      According to one of the workers, they are told to start with vegetable and they often gave you more veggies than you order. When it came to beef and lamb(the expensive ones), SADLY they would offer LESS than what you order.

  2. Hi Cici, can I comment your blog in my blog? because I think this is topic is kind of interesting and easy to write. And I went to the one in Richmond and everything is great and the dished which can be ordered second time were served in second round. I think there might be some differences in different branch.

  3. Wow since so many people have commented on this article, I should join the conversation! Haha!
    Cici, I didn’t know there is Little Sheep Mongolian Hot Pot in Canada until I read your post! But yes the customer service that you mentioned in your post is very unacceptable. To me, I would say it’s kind of surprising. Since I have been to the one in Macao, and the customer service is pretty decent! So I would say maybe the management is not doing that great, haha!

    1. awww Thank you for commenting Katherine! The waitress were really nice. I have to admit that. According to one of the waitresses confession, they were asked to serve less when it came to beef and meat because it costed more. If its veggie, they would serve more since veggies were cheaper. In the end the customers got full from eating more veggies.

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