Response: “Occupy Wall Street: My Opinion”

I agree with Joanna’s blog post regarding the Occupy Wall Street movement.  It is absurd.   Protestors have no viable goals and are merely protesting around concepts of inequality, unfairness, and high taxes.  They are just venting about their disadvantaged positions and in this way, putting the blame on society.

I also agree with her point that if the government abide with their requests, people’s motivations to protest will only be intensified.  If citizens assume that protesting would grant them the rights that they “deserve,” our government and law systems would become very disorderly.  Even now, devotion to keep Occupy protests under control could be better-delegated to solve issues, such as the ones that are being protested.

Besides, most of the problems cannot be solved instantly.  The movement has spread to different cities around the world, and I congratulate the protestors’ success in raising awareness of their unsatisfaction from all different aspects.  However, it takes time for institutions to implement plans.  Since the message has already been sent up to administration and across the world, the movement does not need to drag on.

Now, I just hope that the protest will stay legal and violence-free.  We don’t need a riot.

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