March 9th, 2011 by jpopo | No Comments »

Celebrate Research Week “draw[s] attention to outstanding research from all fields at UBC” and “generate[s] true understanding and appreciation of the benefits – social, economic, educational – that the generation of new knowledge and understanding can bring to the region, the province and the country”.
Celebrate Research Week Events:
Wednesday, March 9th
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
When it comes to Biomechanics… is injury prevention the best medicine?
Kaiser 2020/2030
2185 East Mall
UBC Point Grey Campus
2:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Forestry Graduate Research Poster Showcase
Forest Sciences Centre Atrium
2424 Main Mall
UBC Point Grey Campus
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
CIHR Café Scientifique -When efficiency trumps quality: discussions about what happens when health care is treated as a commodity
Roundhouse Café
181 Roundhouse Mews (corner of Davie & Pacific)
Vancouver, BC
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Clean Energy for the Future
Vancouver Public Library
Alma VanDusen & Peter Kaye rooms
350 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC
Did You Know?
In cIRcle, there is a Granting Agency Mandates Community with the following two sub-communities: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Research Outputs at UBC and the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) Research Outputs at UBC. So far, some of the Top Country Views of this UBC research output have been from:
Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Cote d’Ivoire, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Korea,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Romania, Russian Federation, Sweden, Taiwan, and the United States of America
Above excerpt in italics is courtesy of the Celebrate Research Week website.
Above image is courtesy of the Office of the Vice President, Research & International website.
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March 8th, 2011 by jpopo | No Comments »

The University of British Columbia (UBC) established the Postdoctoral Fellows Office (PDFO) within the Faculty of Graduate Studies in early 2010 to formally acknowledge the key role played by Postdoctoral Fellows (PDFs) in achieving the goal of increasing the quality and excellence of UBC’s research and scholarship.
PDFs are valued members of the UBC community and make an indispensable contribution to the research environment of the University. As researchers, they make significant contributions to their chosen field and in doing so raise the profile of themselves and UBC. As a member of a research group or as an individual researcher, they work under the general supervision of a faculty member and may assist with the supervision of graduate students.
Celebrate Research Week Events on Post Doctoral Research:
Tuesday, March 8th
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Postdoctoral Showcase
St. John’s College
2111 Lower Mall, UBC Vancouver Campus
Dr. Lino Coria / Dr. Sonja Luerhrmann / Dr. Valdeir Arantes / Dr. Rita Rebollo
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Postdocs in Medical Research
Chan Centre for Family Health Education
938 West 28th Avenue
Vancouver, BC
UBC Graduate Students:
Amber Southwell / Whitney Weikum / Walter Karlen / Reza Jalili
Above excerpt in italics is courtesy of the UBC Faculty of Graduate Studies‘ website.
Above image courtesy of Flickr: UBC Library’s Photostream.
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March 4th, 2011 by jpopo | No Comments »
The Haunting of Canadian Culture:
From the Ghost of Tom Thompson to the Ghosts of Vimy Ridge
– Professor Sherrill Grace
Professor Grace is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a Distinguished University Scholar at UBC. Among her awards are the 2008 Canada Council Killam Prize in Humanities, and the Lorne Pierce Medal for her books about the Canadian North. She has published extensively on Canadian literature, the arts, and culture with over 200 articles and chapters and 23 books including: Canada and the Idea of North, Inventing Tom Tomson, Making Theatre: A Life of Sharon Pollock and, most recently, On the Art of Being Canadian. She is currently finishing a book about Canada and the two world wars called Landscapes of Memory, and she is beginning research for a biography of Timothy Findley.
Celebrate Research Week Event:
Saturday, March 5th
8:15 PM – 9:45 PM
UBC Excellence in Research Lecture
Vancouver Institute
Did You Know?
The University Archives holds audio and video tapes of the more recent lectures, which are also listed in cIRcle.
Above excerpt in italics is courtesy of UBC’s Celebrate Research Week and UBC Events.
Above image is courtesy of University Archives.
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March 3rd, 2011 by jpopo | No Comments »

Celebrate Research Week comprises a great number of interesting and diverse events, each with their own approach and audience. In 2010, an international conference on Sport and Society was held; corresponding with the Olympic Games and CBC’s Quirks & Quarks Question Show was taped live at the Chan Centre where UBC experts answered the top 10 questions submitted for the Celebrate Research Week Quirks & Quarks Question Challenge.
Core events encompassed by Celebrate Research Week include:
- Celebrate Research Awards Gala
- UBC Excellence in Research Lecture (sponsored by the Vancouver Institute)
- Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference (MURC)
Upcoming UBC Library at Celebrate Research Week Workshops include:
- RefWorks for the Sciences
- RefWorks for the Health Sciences
- Noon-hour Refworks
- Writing the Research Paper: Student Workshop
- Get Published – Sources and Resources
- What’s the Impact of Your Research? Tips and Tools for Measuring Usage
- RefWorks for Business Researchers
- Intro to PubMed
- Get Published -Sources and Resources
- Finding and Using Images in ARTstor
Happy Celebrate Research Week everyone!
Did You Know?
The Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies’ Beyond Binaries and Borders symposium held on March 13-14, 2009 was part of UBC’s Celebrate Research Week. Click here to see their Spring/Summer 2009 newsletter in cIRcle.
Above excerpt in italics and image is courtesy of the Celebrate Research Week website.
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March 3rd, 2011 by jpopo | No Comments »

The Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference (MURC) celebrates the contributions of undergraduate scholarly inquiry/research at UBC. Both students who are currently engaged in undergraduate research and students who are interested in getting connected to an undergraduate research experience are encouraged to attend. UBC community members are also welcome to attend this annual celebration of undergraduate scholarly work. The conference is held every year in March, and is strongly linked to UBC’s Celebrate Research Week.
Registration is now underway. Spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Visit the new MURC website here for more details.
Click here to complete the MURC 2011 Registration Form.
WHEN: Saturday, March 19, 2011
WHERE: Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (IKBLC)
COST: Free
Did You Know?
cIRcle, UBC’s Digital Repository archived previous MURC collections covering 2008 to 2010? You can view them here.
Above excerpt in italics is courtesy of the Learning Commons website and above image is courtesy of Flickr: UBC Library’s Photostream.
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February 28th, 2011 by jpopo | No Comments »

On 2 March 2011, Ingrid Parent, UBC’s University Librarian, will present the above colloquium at the UBC School of Library, Archival and Information Studies (SLAIS) Colloquia for Spring 2011.
Abstract: In today’s changing information society, knowledge curation is in demand, information literacy is essential, and those entering the workforce must be ready to demonstrate new competencies. No doubt, the library is a force of change, contributing to and accelerating the ever growing needs of e-research. Yet libraries can do more. Libraries need to shift their paradigm from “They will come” to “We will go to them” and in doing so, be prepared to explore new methods of outreach and community engagement at a local level and beyond. How do we, as librarians and information professionals, meet these demands? What trends are libraries currently facing that will impact future generations of information professionals? This presentation will address these key issues and offer a review of libraries and librarianship in a global context.
Date: March 2, 2011
Time: 12-1pm
Location: Dodson Room, Room 302 in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, UBC Point Grey Campus
This colloquium will be webcast through the generous sponsorship of the I.K. Barber Learning Centre.
For more information, please contact Eric Meyers ( or Aaron Loehrlein (
Above excerpt in italics is courtesy of SLAIS and above image is courtesy of Flickr: UBC Library’s Photostream.
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February 21st, 2011 by jpopo | No Comments »

Dear users – UBC Library is proud to present Summon, your new one-stop search tool.
Summon provides fast, relevance-ranked results on any topic from UBC Library’s collections in a single search. It will let you search the full range of UBC Library’s vast holdings – including books, journals, articles, newspapers, government publications, maps, data, conference proceedings, course materials and more – all in one place.
The launch of Summon underlines a key goal of UBC’s strategic plan: “Enhance and integrate access to print and digital collections to make them easier to find.”
This new discovery tool will make your search efforts quicker and better. Send your comments and questions to
Happy searching!
Did You Know?
It includes open access resources such as cIRcle, UBC’s Digital Repository and the Library’s digital image collections and more for your research needs. You can find more information on Summon here.
Above excerpt in italics courtesy of Glenn Drexhage, Communications & Marketing Officer, IKBLC
Above image is courtesy of Erin Watkins
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February 8th, 2011 by jpopo | No Comments »

If you missed the Sport and Society Dialogue Series the first time around, now’s your chance to view this exciting piece of Olympic history through cIRcle, UBC’s digital repository.
In February and March of 2010, leading experts and advocates gathered at UBC to participate in five thought provoking discussions on a range of Olympic related topics from ethics and sustainability to inclusivity and social responsibility. Only through cIRcle are the complete recordings of this series available to anyone, anywhere via the web.
Listen to high profile speakers such as former Paralympic athlete Rick Hansen and Stephen Lewis, former UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, discuss the power of sport as a vehicle for social change.
Sport and Society Dialogue Series:
Sport, Ethics and Technology: Is High Performance Sport Inconsistent with Ideals and Ethics?
Sport, Peace, and Development: How Can Sport Contribute to Positive Social Change? (Featuring Stephen Lewis)
Sport and Inclusion: Are Major Sporting Events Inclusive of First Nations and Other Groups?
Sport and Challenge: Is Anything Possible? (Featuring Rick Hansen)
Sport, Legacy and Sustainability: Is it Worth It?
Above images are courtesy of the UBC Sport Program (available in PDF) and UBC Public Affairs
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January 31st, 2011 by jpopo | No Comments »

The 30,000th item was added to cIRcle, UBC’s Digital Repository!
Title: The chemistry of thujone : the synthesis of rose oil components and germacrane analogues /
Author: Gunning, Philip James / Degree: Doctor of Philosophy – PhD / Program: Chemistry / Date: 1991
Abstract: This thesis is concerned with the synthesis of natural products from thujone (1), a readily available starting material obtained from Western red cedar. The first part of this study investigates the synthesis of the commercially important fragrances, (β-damascone (8) and β-damascenone (24), which are components of rose oil. Thujone can be efficiently converted to the dimethylated thujone derivative 59 in a two step alkylation process. After the formation of the trimethylsilyl cyanohydrins, 77 and 78, the cyclopropane and isopropyl functionalities were cleaved to give the ketone 103. Further elaboration of 103 gave the key intermediates, 127 and 128. The unsaturated nitriles 128 and 127 can be converted to 8 and 24, respectively, by a reduction to the corresponding aldehydes followed by a Grignard reaction to attach the side-chain and subsequent oxidation. As a model study for the synthesis of 8 and 24 from a cyclohexanone derivative, the nitriles 127 and 128 were efficiently synthesised, in 81% overall yield, from 2,2,6-trimethylcyclohexanone. Formation of the cyanohydrins 149 and 150 was followed by consecutive ‘trans’ and ‘cis’ eliminations to give the nitrile 128. The nitrile 127 was produced from 128 by allylic bromination, followed by hydrolysis and dehydration. A conversion of thujone into the ketone 179, using bromine to effect cyclopropane ring-opening, was also studied. The second part of this study investigates the synthesis of ten-membered rings via a photo-induced oxidative cleavage of the alcohols 245 and 265. Treatment of 245 with lead tetraacetate under ultraviolet irradiation afforded, as the main isolated product, the ten-membered carbocycle 246. Treatment of 265 with iodobenzene diacetate under ultraviolet irradiation afforded, as the main isolated product, the bicyclic alcohol 297.
So far, this item has had the following activity (note: click on the “Show Statistical Information“ link on the item page in cIRcle):
- Top Country Views from Canada (4), United States of America (4), United Kingdom (1), and the Russian Federation (1)
Want to search and/or access more UBC Theses and Dissertations items? Click here.
Questions about accessing UBC and non-UBC theses and dissertations? Click here.
Uploading your UBC thesis or dissertation to cIRcle? Click here for instructions.
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January 28th, 2011 by jpopo | No Comments »

As part of the UBC Graduate & Undergraduate Student Workshop Series‘ events offered by UBC Library, the next cIRcle workshop is happening today at 3-4:30pm in Scarfe 155 (Neville Scarfe Building).
Would you like to have your academic work searched by Google Scholar or have your work archived in the UBC Library? Then come to this session to find out what cIRcle is, what it contains, how you can contribute and what permissions are required to submit your presentations, articles and reports. This session will be facilitated by Trevor Smith.
To register, please click here.
Above image courtesy of: Flickr: UBC Library’s Photostream
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