Location, Location, Location.

After meeting recently with the client, CityStudio, the role our group has decided to partake has been narrowed to focus on the assessment of the suitability and logistics of the current designated deconstruction hub location. This is an extremely interesting and diverse topic that we believe will contain three main factors: Transportation, accessibility and hub layout and size. City Studio has proposed a general outline for what they are looking to as far as site location,

“30,000 square feet, adjacent to a building materials retailer, in the False Creek flats, centrally located, good for trucking/shipping/receiving. The other attractive characteristics of a location are proximity to a transfer station or other recycling facility.”

– CityStudio Staff

Through the oh so useful internet we have found several precedent examples of other recycling projects that mirror the functionality of what would be Vancouver’s first deconstruction hub. This information has greatly influenced our understanding regarding the overall efficiency of the hub particularity pertaining to our assessment and research regarding the three main factors presented earlier. We have decided to take an extremely hands on methodology and plan to visit specific sites in Vancouver, specifically but not limited to CityStudios’ suggested site and establish and document our own set of data that will allow us to inevitably compare sites based on the specific guidelines laid out above. Each site will posses unique strengths and weaknesses and as a group we have begun to create a rubric that will allow us weigh characteristic accordingly to inevitably choose the best site possible.

Not only are we looking to consider the location of the site within the city relative to important factors such as highways and other retail manufacturers, but the location and specifics of buildings and vital systems on site. It is extremely important that now only is the location efficient in location, but further can contain all the relative systems that will allow this hub to function to its full potential. Some of the things that we have considered are the placement of parking lots for visitors, the areas for the importing and receiving of materials and finally the on site location of the buildings that will be used to sort through the material. Figure 1 below describes the brief outline of the system provided by CityStudio and will help us in providing a detailed overview regarding the on site space needed to accommodate each predicted node in the projects system..


Figure 1. System nodes



Currently the project is still in its planning stages and assessments like the one our group is carrying out still need to be done. As a result a timeline regarding project completion is extremely hard to estimate or create; However, we do believe that the largest milestone regarding the completion of the project will involve the availability of funding to initiate the construction and purchase of a site. Further Milestones will involve the design and construction of the building a as well as the creation of a network of clients that will utilize such a facility. It might be more valuable however to give you a timeline regarding our group’s specific role as well as some milestones that we have and hope to accomplish.

1. Meeting with the client was extremely important to the success and understanding of what we hoped to accomplish through this course. We believe that now with our greater understanding and narrowed focus we can start to brainstorm and attack our objectives at hand, which are visiting the site and using a comparative analysis to convey the best fit location for our clients needs.

2. We are currently in the process of proposing guidelines for our analysis so that we can compare and contrast the weaknesses and strengths of each site. Once completed only the field work and analysis will remain.

3. Visiting the suggested site will gives us a foundation to work from, from there we can start to branch out and look into other possibilities. From here we can begin to write our recommendations and final report, which will hopefully give CityStudio some insight regarding potential sites for this project.

CityStudio has given us an example of an ideal site on Terminal Avenue between Cottrell and Carolina Street. This will be our primary focus regarding a proposed feasibility study looking at specific requirements regarding layout and size of the proposed facility. We must consider the dimensions and space constraints of several structures in the vicinity, which include: Parking lots, loading areas and ware house and retail space.

There is still much to accomplish, however, we are confident that as a group we will be successful in accomplishing our objectives through constant communication and through initiative.

1 thought on “Location, Location, Location.

  1. Hi Team,

    It’s great to hear that you have narrowed the project, and that you have identified a strategies for completing your “sub-project”.

    It sounds like to will be developing a multi-criteria matrix to help identify the location to recommend. Is there anything else from CIVL 201 that you can use? Do the phases of design that you explored in CIVL 201 match to the phases of this project? Can you identify negotiable and non-negotiable criteria?

    Also, will you be checking-in with your client at some point, to make sure that you are on the right track with your project? (maybe this isn’t necessary given the meeting you have had…).

    Finally, I would LOVE to see at least one image with each post – as per the marking rubric for the blog assignment.

    See you on Monday in the design studio!

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