The Final Stretch

[Implementation Progress]

Over the past few weeks, despite a most treacherous class schedule, we have persevered and are now frolicking in the sun that created the light at the end of the tunnel. With that said I believe some light should be shed regarding the steps that allowed us to be successful in completing and implementing our project.


From the beginning it was obvious that CityStudio was already extremely organized in carrying out a project that would benefit Vancouver in so many ways. As a result, we decided to follow in their footsteps and create something that would help them and possibly other companies like theirs streamline the decision making process regarding potential sites for their facility. Although we do not have a fully developed product, we believe our ideas and arithmetic can greatly influence tools that can help any similar projects succeed. To do this we developed a very close group atmosphere by staying in continual contact with one another and by delegating specific rolls to each member (as stated in the previous blog post). Everyone worked extremely hard to create something that was informative as well as practical. Although we would have liked to be more involved in the later stages of choosing and analyzing the appropriate site, we believe our project expresses a strong foundational starting point in which CityStudio can use and implement further when needed.

[Deconstruction Hub Project Overview]


It took several weeks to finally understand what we wanted our final project to accomplish/ look like. First and formost we wanted to educate people regarding CityStudios goals surrounding the Deconstruction Hub. As a result, Laura, Jae and Kyle worked extensively to fully grasp the mechanics of such a system and furthermore found ways to simply and effectively communicate this information. They further created and integrated a generalized site layout that included the necessary aspects of this system.

The second factor that we wanted to address was the location of the site within a specific suburb or city. As a result Nathaniel, Curtis and David decided to make a MCDM (multi-criteria decision matrix) based on differently weighted categories. This involved the key identification of important aspects of successful sites which required research on other sites which inevitably lead us to our decision to include a comparative analysis in our evaluation.

We finally needed an effective way to display our research and ideas. As a group we decided upon making a poster out of recycled materials that would hopefully encompass our objectives.


[Poster Overview]


[The Good Bad and the Ugly]

Overall we believe that there was a whole lot of good, and very little bad or ugly. I believe when push came to shove we accomplished our goals and objectives as a team. This resulted in an extremely well balanced project that we believe conveys and expresses our collective perspective on a project that we all believe can make a large difference in the way we treat our waste.


Our group believes and hopes that by being a part of this project we have helped by bringing new and fresh ideas on how to approach potentially some of the future problems CityStudio might encounter. Furthermore, we believe that in an evolving society CityStudio’s passion for change is vital in our journey to reach our sustainable goals. We hope that by spreading the word regarding projects like The Deconstruction Hub people not only start to notice, but push these projects through to completion. The future is bright, but only if we stand together continue to look for ways to evolve and live within the constraints of our environment and not against it.

1 thought on “The Final Stretch

  1. Hi Team,

    The biggest challenge for this project was its open-endedness – that resulted in the team being tasked with determining what needed to be done in order to help the deconstruction hub project move ahead.

    It would have been good to have had more details in these posts. For example, a list of clearly stated objectives, plans for how you intended to achieve the objectives, and then a report on your specific progress regarding achieving the objectives (or not achieving them) would have been very interesting. Also, this is the first post where the deliverables to the client were described. It would have been GREAT if the ways that Laura, Jae, and Kyle communicated the deconstruction hub project were presented in the post! And the MCD matrix idea is so intriguing! Why not post the matrix??

    Your poster idea is creative and works well. Also, the creative language in these posts has been a delight to read!

    Susan Nesbit

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