POST 3: Process, Time-Line and Milestones

Process of the Project

Through learning and researching about possible designs for a “nature” themed playground, our group has discussed our next steps to approach the actual design. Since our design requires us to consider green elements, varies safety factors (playground element for kids, age 0-6), and negotiable and non-negotiable constraints, we decided to brainstorm an abundant amount of ideas and then carefully analyze each so that we can ultimately choose the best option of design and requirements for our client.

Current site dimensions

These are the initial ideas that we brainstormed which will fit in the design requirement of our project:

  • Green, living walls
  • Large structural playgrounds
  • Seesaws and swings
  • Sitting tables
  • Sand and water feature play area
  • Musical instruments made out of green materials (Eg. Wood)
  • Tree houses

After gathering ideas, we proposed those designs to our client at Guildford Family Place. Much of the client’s suggestions relate to the importance of safety, time deadlines, and efforts in construction. The feedback there was very useful in helping us narrow down which elements of design would suit our client’s needs. Further evaluation of our design would be done by our client with her other associates to choose the best option.

Another perspective of the site consisting of plastic play toys that need to be removed

Once we receive the best option for design from our client, we will start to design and refine the primary selection for better quality. This may include computer sketches, precise dimensions, cost and time completion. We will also consider more emphasis on factors of safety and refine the selected design since we think that it is the most important requirement of all.

Another large structure design option for the green playground space. Tree-house theme

A possible bench (Octagon theme) design for the playground space.

Another possible bench design. There is a half moon shape mushroom theme.

Timeline and Milestones

We have considered many deadlines, due dates, workload and action plans for this particular project for our CIVL 202 course. The Gantt chart below depicts the approximated timelines that we expect to complete. Some important milestones include the presentation of ideas to client, complete models of design and most importantly the delivery of the final design to the client.

Gantt Chart representing the expected due dates and deadlines of each task.

2 thoughts on “POST 3: Process, Time-Line and Milestones

  1. Hi Team,

    Nice to see this progress!

    Are your initial work-schedule estimates working out the way you thought they would? More generally, what are you learning about the context of municipal engineering?


    • Hello Dr. Nesbit,

      Thanks for your time in reading our progress of our project.

      Our initial work schedule that we planned out is working fairly well to our expectations. There are a few off schedule notes but everything is fine. Through working with our client so far, we are learning a lot about the context of municipal engineering. We understand that although some aspects may not follow through, whether it be designs or time schedules, we would try to make things work out as best as we can. This project so far has taught us many things and is very enjoyable thus far.


      Group #9

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