POST 6: Completion and Celebration of the Project

After presenting on March 31, 2014, this is our group’s last photo together with the poster and the completion of the project

From left to right: Cliff Qin, Ardeshir Sedighi, Howard Wong, Allan Chen, Ali Baris Oztekin, Alborz Rezaei

Contribution and Service to the Community

What we designed and presented to the community on this poster presentation day was very significant. We started from communicating with the client to designing graphics and to something that can be implement in real life. We feel that although we did not get to see the construction of our design, we feel that our time and effort was well spent in making this small contribution to the community.

Lessons Learned

This project has taught our group many lessons. Through project context, we learned to work efficiently with each other by dividing the workload evenly between our group members. We also learned to adjust time accordingly to each of our busy schedules and work closely together as a team. Through this project, we got to learn about each other’s skill sets and importance of cooperation of an engineering team. In addition, we learned that planning and implementation of the project can not always follow the original plan. Some of our expectations were not seen through (ex. Construction of the design). Thus, through the project, we conclude that although engineering work may not be precise in what the end results are predicted to be, we learned that planning ahead and working together as a team to solve problems is what we will value the most.

1 thought on “POST 6: Completion and Celebration of the Project

  1. Glad to read about what you learned as a team. I hope the journal entry exercise gives you the opportunity to consider your personal strengths that contributed to the project. These strengths are something you can enhance and direct in the coming years.

    Thank you very much for completing this project and working well with one of UBC’s community partners.

    Best wishes,
    Susan Nesbit

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