Stephen Keen on Keystone

Stephen Harper’s recent statements on the keystone pipeline have once again placed the controversial cross-border energy proposal on the front page. Stephen claims that he “will not take no for an answer”, on the presidents decision on whether to approve the project or not. With political calculations being the only thing standing in Keystone’s way, it is believed that either way the project is going through, it’s just up to when the president decides to sign off on it. With the every growing demand for oil increasing, it is in the United States best interest to follow through with the project. Stephen Harper said “ if I were an American the last thing I would want to see is Canada selling it’s oil anywhere else”, and with Asia’s constantly growing demand, post-poning or shutting down keystone could very well lead Canada to conduct their business elsewhere. This constant back and forth between Canada and the US has made keystone one of the most contentious issues in current U.S politics. There are many passionate supporters and protesters on both sides of the argument. Personally I see the project as ultimately being a great idea. With the projected “40 000 jobs” it will create in the U.S alone and not to mention how dependent Canada is on the U.S for “97% of it’s energy exports”, it would ultimately be worse to reject the project than to allow it to go through.

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