Monthly Archives for December 2012


Did you know that UBC has an archive full of historical documents about Vancouver? It is located in the basement of the Koerner library and on a cold misty day, we CAP students were lucky enough to spend a lesson … Continue reading

23. December 2012 by clayeung
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment


Two summers ago, I was fortunate enough to go to Nairobi in Kenya with a group of people from my school where we helped to renovate a primary school located on a farm. On top of many life lessons that … Continue reading

21. December 2012 by clayeung
Categories: Uncategorized | Leave a comment


Finals are over, you’ve arrived back home and you’re snuggled under a blanket whilst watching snow fall from the sky, glistening under the moonlight. What are you thinking about? In these moments, I find myself contemplating what it means to … Continue reading

19. December 2012 by clayeung
Categories: Uncategorized | Leave a comment


Last summer, I spent a month in Beijing learning the language of my people. In between the three hour lectures and struggling over re-pronouncing long lost phonemes, we had some spare time to explore the area. Whilst searching for souvenirs, … Continue reading

03. December 2012 by clayeung
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

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