Simplify. (Featuring Matthew Corrin)

Looking back at the project where groups analyzed Business Plans, I particularly remember having to scroll through the lengthy Business Plan.
Although very organized, thoroughly and necessarily detailed, the ‘everyday’ business plan can come off to me at times a convoluted mess and not something that was easily approachable and to some extent didn’t seem that attractive.

Certainly, there are multiple ways of going around and planning how to start a business. Canadian health-wise fast-food franchise Freshii founder Matthew Corrin offers an alternative planning schema and has executed his method quite well. The alternative is what he coins to be the ‘5-point Leadership Manifesto’. In simple terms, this is what it is:

  • talk is cheap, execution sets you apart
  • launch fast, fail fast, iterate faster
  • numbers rule
  • build a killer culture for your company and not a culture that will kill your company
  • pick your battles wisely

The traditional business plan and Corrin’s 5 points are quite different. Matthew Corrin’s radical approach is much easier to comprehend and at the same time, still manages to address the fundamental issues and questions behind a business. In fact, Corrin might be doing a favour for some entrepreneurs that are looking to get out of the hole they’ve dug themselves. For Corrin, it’s how the business runs, and it’s been effective. For newcomers, it could serve as a helpful tool to get the company up and running. Sometimes, simplification is a good thing!

“That was easy.”

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