
This is Coco Chen’s web portfolio (an online portfolio), showcasing some of the skills and work I completed in ENGL301 during the 2021W semester at UBC. If you are interested in learning more about this, please navigate to any of the following links (or use the navigation menu at the top).

  • Home – A welcome page for readers, a general overview of this Web Folio and suggestions for navigation.
  • Application Packages – A page describing the work I did as a UBC student applying for packages, including job advertisements, cover letters, resumes and 3 letters of recommendation.
  • Best Work – This page shows my comments and takeaways after each revised assignment in ENGL301, with links to the full revised assignment.
  • Bio – a short biography
  • Blog – this page reflects on reflections on each unit during the ENGL301 study
  • Resume – an online version of the current up-to-date resume

ENGL301 is an online course on the principles of technical and business writing designed to teach students how to respond as technical professionals to the challenges of changing technology and global communication. Through a mix of independent, collaborative, and three-modality work with instructors 1. how to present their work in the modern world, 2. how to communicate with peers and instructors, and 3. how to refine their work based on these brief exchanges.

The course is divided into 4 main units. In the first part, we need to create a website and learn how to introduce ourselves through it so that it can become our electronic name cards in the modern world. In the second part, we work in teams with other students at multiple points in time to complete a design report proposal and peer review the report upon completion. In the third part, we will draft a formal outline and present it to our respective team members for feedback, and then re-write the formal report based on the feedback. In the final section, we will complete a formal report and all team members will participate in a constructive peer review of the content, organization, style, and presentation of our report.

Firstly, I hope to improve my professional writing skills in terms of grammar, content, and narrative style through the practice of writing reports in a comprehensive manner.
Second, while offline communication has become difficult under the influence of COVID-19, global collaboration is an unstoppable trend. As a result, how to efficiently collaborate online has become an important topic. I hope that through this online course, I can learn more about how to collaborate and communicate with collaborators I have never met and learn their different writing styles. Finally, I also hope to improve my problem identification and improvement mechanism by receiving feedback from my instructor and classmates.