Best Works

This page contains a collection of my best technical writing work from my time on ENGL 301, which includes:

  1. Definitions
  2. Peer review of cohort member’s definitions
  3. Formal report proposals
  4. Peer review of cohort members’ formal reports
  5. LinkedIn Best Practice Memo
  6. Formal Report Outline
  7. Memo to Evan Crisp
  8. Complaint letter and response letter
  9. Formal report

All of these examples have been revised based on peer review and faculty feedback. In addition, each link is accompanied by a short summary of the purpose of the assignment.


Assignment 1.2 Revised Definition of “Riparian”

As the first task in technical writing, students must become proficient in explaining technical terms within their relevant discipline to readers with no particular technical background using three categories of definition: parentheses, sentences, and expansions. The aim of the assignment is to understand the purpose and use of definitions and to teach students to consider what needs to be communicated when writing for different types of audiences. I chose the term most commonly used in my profession, Riparian, and although I tried to explain the definition in a simple descriptive way the first time I wrote it, peer review revealed many areas that I had overlooked that would be confusing to non-specialists. I have subsequently revised the text in response to suggestions from my teacher and fellow students.


Peer review of group member’s definitions

Assignment 1.3 Peer Review of Definitions of “Staccato”

Peer reviewing a fellow student’s work for the first time meant a lot to me. Reading the work of students from different professional backgrounds from a reader’s perspective allowed me to identify strengths and weaknesses in each other’s writing and reflect on them in relation to my own work. While giving feedback to other students, I also received advice on my work. In this regard, I believe that peer review is crucial.


Formal report proposals

Assignment 2.1 Formal Report Proposal 

The task was to draft a proposal to investigate, analyse and recommend action on the problems encountered in our environment. This task helped me to find a basic idea and to define the general scope of the future report. This led me to think about some of the ways in which the project could be realised and the possible outcomes. In order to demonstrate my qualifications for the project, I have explained my work experience and academic background in this draft.


Peer review of group members’ formal reports

Assignment 2:1 Peer Review for incentivizing the use of electric vehicles on UBC Vancouver

In this section, I reviewed one of my group member‘s proposal and subsequently made some constructive suggestions based on my background knowledge and the requirements of the assignment. It is worth noting that many of the students’ citations did not conform to the MLA format in this assignment, but they have subsequently been revised afterward.

LinkedIn Best Practice Memo

Assignment 2.2: Memo for Best LinkedIn Practices

This task highlights the importance of social networking in the workplace and how to keep a streamlined record of information relevant to our work on our home pages. And it taught us how to get the resources we need from the much information available on the site.


Formal Report Outline

Assignment 2.3 : Formal Report Outline for Guixi Park


Memo to Evan Crisp

Assignment 3.1 – Writing with You Attitude Memo to Evan Crisp

In a suggested memo for Evan Crisp on best practices for writing emails to professors I understand the attitudes of authors and readers. When communicating with readers in writing, they need to be given full respect. In particular, it is important not to use a commanding tone when expressing requests to professors, bosses, and other leaders.


Complaint letter and response letter

Assignment 3.1: Complaint letter and response letter

For this assignment, I wrote a letter of complaint from a customer and a letter of response from a business manager in response to the letter of complaint. The point was to understand the nature of the incident and the understanding of the position of both parties. The complainant’s claim as a customer is to reflect on the problem and seek a solution, while the company manager’s claim is to reassure the complainant and provide a solution within his or her capabilities.


Formal reports

Assignment 4:1 Formal Report

This is the final report based on all the above learning and the recommendations of the peer review, which includes the letter of transmittal, the working title and title page, the table of contents, the abstract, the introduction, the data analysis session with appropriate graphs, the conclusions and recommendation, and the working cite reference list.