Letter of Application

1697 Marine Drive,
Vancouver, BC, V6T1Z3

September 20th, 2021

English 301: Technical Writing Class
University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4

Dear ENGL301 Colleagues:

I am a first-year BCS student who is taking this class and would like to find like-minded classmates to work together as a professional writing team to complete the writing assignments for the semester. I hope to increase my written communication skills by working together throughout the semester.

Programming is an important skill I am learning, and I am constantly refining my thinking skills through the studies and practice. Prior to joining BCS, I worked on environmental-related research and work. And I plan to work on environmental risk model development in the future. Prior to joining BCS, I worked on environmental-related research and work, and I plan to work on environmental risk model development in the future. As a former Forest technician, I often e-mailed my supervisors and colleagues to report on their work. Remote communication via email is necessary for us as the staff has to summarize the situation in their respective areas at different locations and thus needs to develop master planning standards that meet the development needs of the area in general. The accumulation of these reporting tasks allows me to efficiently extract and summarize effective information. In my role as an environmental consultant, I have written many reports and plans for government agencies. Writing emergency reports has helped me to develop my writing skills, so that I can quickly grasp key information to form the overall structure of an article.

As a lifelong learner, I am eager to interact with people from different backgrounds and with different perspectives to improve my own shortcomings. I am good at recognizing my deficiencies through constant reflection and actively correcting them.

As a non-native speaker of English, I may have some problems with my grammar. But I usually finish my drafts a few days in advance and revise them several times before the actual due date. I am open to criticism, and I would appreciate any suggestions people might have for my writing. I enjoy learning from the strengths of my colleagues during discussions, as writing is an important communication skill in modern society while learning to write is a process of refining my language.

Thank you so much for your consideration. If you are interested in my proposal, please feel free to contact me via my email: mengxichen1997@gmail.com.


Coco Chen

Enclosure: Engl301_CocoChen_ApplicationLetter

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