It’s Time To Reflect

I’m proud to say that the team that we had for the Marketing Plan assignment was like none other that I have been apart of before.  We gelled very well and accomplished all of our tasks without any issues.

Our personalities were quite matchable.  Even though we had many different personalities, they all seemed to mold together nicely.  It just goes to show you that having people that are the same limits diversity, and lowers a team’s potential.  The diversity in our group allowed for quite the spiffy video for the final portion of the assignment.  With many different ideas coming into play, our video showcased the wide variety of minds that we had on our team.

I learned that I can make friends quite easily, regardless of who I meet.  I found that I felt comfortable in our team’s environment very quickly.  It’s a good feeling to have knowing that you’re welcomed, accepted and respected in a group of people.

Next time I’d say that paying attention to the fine details was important.  We lost some marks over some silly errors, that could have been avoided simply by going through a checklist of the detailed instructions.  In the end, those mistakes didn’t matter.  I can truly say that this is one of the best school project teams in terms of the bonds that were formed.

Instead of wanting to make groups with your friends, you get thrown into a group where no one knows anyone, and you come out as friends.  Doesn’t that seem like the better way to go?