September 2015

/Bach/ To School

(Of course I have to start my first post with probably the worst/oldest pun of history of music puns.)

Time is a funny thing, sweeping us off our feet and relentlessly carrying us from one moment to the next. Four months ago, I felt as if I was merely counting down the days until school began again. And just like that, today came and went by so quickly- I still find it hard to believe how fast the year is going by. Although every year, this very thought is the same.

I woke up yesterday feeling feverish. My immediate response was to retreat to my bed and tried to get as much rest as possible before Imagine Day. But despite my efforts, I could not get up this morning without feeling overwhelmingly fatigued. So, I missed out on the pep rally, the campus tour and meet and greet the profs and such. Luckily, I recovered in time for the club fair! Took me around one and half hour to visit and look around all the club booths, my legs are still sore from all that walking. (Oh UBC you and your gigantic campus.) I took a note of few clubs that I want to be involved with + put down my email for numerous clubs that I might not even have time for. Oops. But it’s so exciting to be at a school with so many opportunities, I will probably spend the next few days channelling all my thoughts trying to figure out which to stick with and which I’d have to give up.

That being said, this year, two words will always be echoing in my head: TIME. MANAGEMENT. It’s a necessary skill for any student out there, without it, I think a lot of us would be lost and life would be chaotic. I am taking ridiculous amount of courses this semester so those two words will the key to balancing all ten courses, a part-time job and piano practice. Thinking about it all, I am super terrified but don’t think about it too much right? There are still a lot of things I’m looking forward to ie. classes such as conducting, woodwinds and small ensembles, the beautiful UBC campus, and all the new friends adventures that awaits for me at this new school.

Here I am UBC. Bring it on.
