Author Archives: liang zou

Time Travel, is it possible?

Video Resource: YouTube Channel: Second Thought   Is Time Travel Really Possible?


Time traveling has been an interesting topic for a long time. In 1985, a movie called Back to the Future caught great attentions from the crowds about time traveling. In 1988, the publication of the great book named A Brief History of Time written by Stephen Hawking raised people’s attention about time traveling again. Since traveling through time is such an interesting topic, is time travel possible in real life?

Image result for back to the future

Image Resource: Google Image:  Wikimedia Commons


There are two parts of time traveling. The first one is traveling to the past, and the second one is traveling to the future. Let’s talk about travelling to the past first. It is usually stated that people cannot go back to the past. A very common way to explain it is the Grandfather paradox. It says that if a time traveler can go back in time and kill his grandfather before their their mother or father was born, then he will not be born himself and the killing would not be possible. Another recent explanation was given by Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest physicists in the world. He said that if we want to achieve time travel, we need to consider time as the fourth dimension like length, width and height. However, unlike those three spatial dimensions, time does not have multi-directional property. We are only able to move forwards on the time dimension. Although lots of people still believe that traveling to the past is possible, current knowledge and theories do not support it.


We cannot move backwards on the time dimension, but we can move forwards. If we want to go to the future, we must consider one important thing, speed. There is a speed limit in our universe, which is 186 thousand miles per second. This is the speed of light. If we can travel near this speed, we can go to the future. Imagine that we were in a spaceship that travels at 99 percent of the speed of light, every minute on the spaceship is a year on earth. Therefore, if scientists can invent spaceships that are fast enough, human will be able to travel to the future. Also, Albert Einstein once said that mass is also a factor that will influence time. Time on earth is slower than it is in the universe because of the mass of earth. Therefore, if we can find a planet that is large and heavy enough, the time we spend on it will be much slower than it on earth. When we come back from it to earth, we will be in the future.


All the theories and conclusions are all based on the knowledge we have right know. Maybe in the future all of this could be wrong, and people can go back to the past. However, since going back in time is impossible now, we should just cherish the present and live every day to the fullest because we cannot go back in time.


Liang Zou

Should we try to find and communicate with other civilizations in the universe?

There are about four thousand billion stars in the Milk Way Galaxy, and there are about twenty thousand billion galaxies in the universe. It is very likely that we are not alone in the universe. Should we try to find and communicate with aliens in the universe?

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In my opinion, the most interesting and persuasive theory about this question is the “Dark Forest Law”. This theory was brought up in the famous Chinese science fiction novel The Dark Forest written by Cixin Liu.

To prove the law,  we need to assume a general theorem. Survival is the first demand of a civilization. Now, to make things easier to understand, assume that there are only two planets A and B in the universe. Planet A is aware of the existence of planet B but planet B does not know the existence of planet A.

If planet A decides to communicate with planet B, civilization B cannot assume that civilization A are not aggressive. They cannot risk their own safety. On the other hand, civilization A is doing the same thing. Therefore, because of the suspicion between A and B, B will assume that A is aggressive, so B will decide to destroy A if A tries to communicate with B. Therefore, planet A should not try to communicate with B.

What if A just ignore B and do noting about it? A cannot do that. If A can find B, then it is possible that B will find A in the future. Because survival is the first demand of a civilization, A cannot take that risk.

Image result for dark forestImage Resource: Pexels

Our deduction is over. For planet A, when it knows the existence of B, A cannot communicate with B or ignore B. Destroying B is the only choice left for A. Universe is like a dark forest, each civilization is a hunter with a gun. They all travel through the forest carefully because there are other hunters all over the forest. No matter what they see, the only thing they can do is destroying it. In this forest, other people are all threats. Any life that expose itself will be destroyed immediately. This is the “Dark forest law”.

Even though the theory is well-developed and accepted by many people, it is not perfect. Based on the information from the article Extraterrestrial aliens: friends, foes, or just curious? ” (Micheal, G, Skeptic(Altadena, Calif.)), the fear between two civilizations in the universe is mainly related to the physics of interstellar travel.

One of the reasons that causes two civilizations to attack each other is that they are very far from each other so they cannot have a good communication. However, if interstellar travel with enough fast speed is possible, this suspicion between two civilizations may be gone.

This theory simulates the interaction between civilizations and what could happen. Based on this, we might conclude that it is dangerous to communicate with alien civilizations. However, if we do find other life in the universe, what will we actually do? Are human ready to face the cruel reality of the universe?

By Liang Zou