Tag Archives: technology

Lighting Our Future.

Thomas Edison submitted his patent for the light bulb in October 1878. He is widely known as the inventor of the light bulb but this is not entirely correct. There were over 20 ‘inventors’ of the light bulb dating back to 1802, far before Edison. So why does Edison get credit? He was the first one to make a commercially viable lightbulb. His lightbulb was longer lasting, as he removed the air from from the bulb so the filament wouldn’t burn up. It was much more energy efficient than the gas burning lamps used at the time, and it was relatively easy to manufacture. Finally, his bulb produced far less heat than the aforementioned gas lamps.  These qualities are still the benchmarks of lighting technology today. If a new technology wants to replace the old, it has to improve on some or all of these aspects.

Incandescent, Fluorescent and LED bulbs
Source: Google Free to share

Over the years we have seen three main generations of lighting technology; incandescent lamps, compact fluorescent tubes and most recently light emitting diodes or LEDs. While Edison’s incandescent bulbs were a huge step forward from gas lighting, they still only convert 5-10% of electrical energy to light while the rest is lost as heat. Compact fluorescent tubes are much more energy efficient, able to convert 75-85% of energy to light while lasting 10-15 times longer. Because of this, they are commonly used in large buildings, hospitals and office spaces. LED technology surpasses all of its predecessors, converting around 90% of energy to light and lasting 10 times longer than fluorescent bulbs.

Source: Science Direct

One major roadblock preventing LEDs from taking over the lighting industry is their high manufacturing cost. Many experts hope that one day, this obstacle can be overcome with OLED (organic light emitting diode) technology. OLEDs differ from conventional LEDs as they use organic, or carbon containing molecules as a light source.  

OLEDs have the advantage of being thin and flexible allowing them to be made into nearly any shape. They also produce a much wider range of colours, which has made them ideal for display screens. The newest generation of iPhones and LG TVs are being made with OLED technology.

The video below explains the light source in OLEDs.

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LED has been given a while to mature as a technology, while OLED is relatively new and has a lot of room for improvement. Today’s OLED lights are less efficient than LED lights (25-50 lumens per watt vs 90-100 lumens per watt), but are still far superior to incandescent bulbs. Blue OLEDs also don’t last quite as long because fluorine is used in the molecule, making it quite unstable. Manufacturing OLEDs currently can cost an order of magnitude more than LEDs. Despite carbon’s abundance, many of the colours involve trace amounts of rare metals, such as iridium.  

Christopher Brown is a chemist at the University of British Columbia. He joined us in the podcast below to discuss how he thinks this cost can be reduced, and the future of lighting technology.

What is Cryptocurrency Mining and is it Profitable?

By now most people have heard of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, but where does this currency come from? Much like gold, there is a fixed amount of bitcoin, 21 million bitcoins to be exact. These bitcoins can be ‘mined’ using computers running a special algorithm. In the past miners would use old computer hardware, specifically GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) which are typically used for computer gaming. This meant it was very easy for someone with a gaming computer to make some extra money by letting their computer run the mining algorithm while they were not using their computer.

Gaming GPU: Wikipedia Commons

As cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin become more mainstream, its value skyrocketed. This drove more people to become miners. More miners and newer, more powerful GPUs in computers lead to many bitcoins being found. So far, this sounds great, so should you go out and buy a GPU and become a miner?

Bitcoin Prices: Wikipedia Commons

Here’s the catch; as more bitcoins are found, it quickly becomes much more difficult to mine. This is because of the way bitcoin is setup. Because there is a fixed amount, it is very easy to mine the first bitcoins, but as more are found, the remaining bitcoins become much more rare. This rarity and huge popularity causes the value of bitcoin to rapidly inflate, causing more people to become miners.

One might ask, is mining profitable? The answer is more complicated then you might expect. Back when miners were just using old computers to mine, the only cost they had to worry about was electricity, and yes it was very profitable. Nowadays you need much more powerful hardware and multiple GPUs to mine. Although GPUs have become more efficient, multiple GPUs will still consume a lot more electricity than a single older one. Not only that, GPU pricing has also sky-rocketed, much to the dismay of computer gamers. 

So with all these variables taken into consideration, let’s see what it would take to become a miner. First you would need an extremely powerful computer with as many GPUs as possible. For our example lets say we use 8 high-end GPUs. This system would cost around $18,000 and would make around $11 a day in profit (assuming your electricity rates are relatively low in your area). This means it would take over 4 years to just break even and that is assuming the cryptocurrency market remains stable, which it is notorious for being very unpredictable. So no it is not profitable to be a cryptocurrency miner using regular computer hardware, unless you already have the GPUs. Nowadays, you are better off using dedicated mining machines or just trading cryptocurrencies on the stock market, if you are trying to make some extra money.

Dedicated mining machine: Wikipedia Commons




Science, but no longer fiction.

For as long as I can remember, my interest in science and science fiction have been deeply connected. Every Marvel movie I see inevitably results in hours long “study breaks”, where I scour the internet for any information on how these spectacular technologies match up with real world science. Does it obey the laws of physics? If not, is there something similar that theoretically could? Do we have related technology now? How would it work?  Unsurprisingly, I’m not alone in this thinking. Countless inventions that have and will shape our society were initially conceived in fiction, including the atomic bomb, cell phones, self driving cars and many more.

Roddenberry, Gene. Star Trek. CBS Television Distribution, 1968.

Source: Star Trek

Most of the time, my Wikipedia rampages end with the second question: Is there something that theoretically could? This results in a lengthy hypothetical description of something that often doesn’t resemble its fictitious counterpart. So understandably, I get pretty excited when I see technology not only possible, but already close to becoming reality.

This is the case with the work recently published in Nature by Daniel Smalley, an electrical and computer engineering professor from Brigham Young University. The “Photophoretic-trap Volumetric display,” or more casually called “The Princess Leia Project,” is a revolutionary new 3D hologram design. The idea of 3D holograms is not a new one. Most famously, it has appeared in Star Wars with Princess Leia’s plea for help projected by R2D2, or the enormous head of Darth Sidious. More recently it has been popularized in films like Iron Man and Avatar.

Kershner, Irvin, director. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back. Lusasfilms Ltd., 1980.

Source: Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back

Lucas, George, director. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. Lusasfilms Ltd., 1977.

Source: Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope

Ironically, none of these depictions are actually holograms. A holographic display specifically refers to an image projected in 2 dimensions. In other words, if you aren’t looking directly at it, the image will appear distorted like viewing a TV at a sharp angle. A Volumetric Display occupies 3D space, so it can be viewed clearly from any angle. Smalley is able to do this using a single cellulose particle, a component of plant fibre. This particle is trapped in the air using a set of invisible lasers which can move it around in a small circuit. Then another set of lasers illuminate the particle with different colours. If the particle is moved fast enough around this track, it appears to be a solid line to the human eye.


Source: Science News

Though Smalley isn’t the first scientist to research 3D displays, his multi-laser design is the first able to incorporate colour. Due to the use of a single particle, his prototype images are restricted by size, ranging from about the size of a pea to a postage stamp. But if his design is improved, many particles could be used to create much larger images. With the right imagination, Smalley says “the sky becomes the limit.”

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By Connor DeFaveri