Author Archives: martin au-yeung

Salmon and our Ecosystem

Salmon species are considered an integral part of our ecosystems today but their populations have been slowly decreasing over time due to many external factors such as overfishing. But, what would happen if this decline was so great that all the salmon were gone? 

Chinook Salmon swimming together. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Why are salmon important to our ecosystem?

Salmon are important because they bring in Marine-Derived Nutrients (MDN). To understand what MDN is, we must first understand the life cycle of salmon. Salmon are usually born in freshwater streams up in mountains, such as the Capilano River. Once born, they swim down to the ocean to grow. During their time in the ocean, the salmon feed on zooplankton and fish. At the end of their lives, they come back to their spawning grounds to die. This brings back the MDN from the ocean to the rivers and helps replenish the entire ecosystem. These MDN are consumed by the animals that eat the salmon, the decomposers that eat their dead bodies, and then plants grow from the decomposer’s waste from consuming salmon. 

The Adam Rivers Salmon Run, where millions of salmon return from the ocean to their spawning grounds to breed.
 Source: Wikimedia Commons

How salmon affect our ecosystem:

Salmon in BC are considered a keystone species due to the MDN the salmon bring in. Without salmon, many animals would be left without a food source. Harbour seals, bears, bald eagles and bass are some of their predators who risk having declining populations as a result of the low salmon return. Bears depend on the consumption of salmon so much so that the population density of bears can be up to 20 times greater in areas where salmon are abundant, versus areas where they aren’t. Not only does salmon play an important role in the river ecosystem, but they also play one in the ocean as well. For example, the Southern Killer Whale is a primary predator for Chinook salmon.

Grizzly bear eating salmon in the river. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Current research being done: 

Dr. Andrew Trites and his team have been doing some research on whether harbour seals are causing the decline of Coho and Chinook Salmon. The following video outlines his research in more detail: 

As well, find out potential mitigation strategies that can help save the salmon from the harbour seals in our podcast:

Implications on the Economy:

Salmon are the center of economies and cultures. Coastal human communities depend on salmon for both protein and income. The world’s largest sockeye salmon run in Alaska’s Bristol Bay brings in $500 million each year for commercial, recreational, and subsistence fishermen. In southeast Alaska, nearly 48 million wild salmon are harvested each year, with a combined economic value of nearly $1 billion annually. 

Moving on: 

It is clear that there needs to be action taken to ensure that the decline of salmon species does not occur, and Dr. Trites and his team’s work are critical to understanding the many factors that affect salmon populations. 


Social Media Addiction – Do you have it?

Have you found yourself constantly checking your phone when someone likes your post or sends you a message? Then you might have what is called “social media addiction”.

Tiktok, an example of a popular social media app. (via Wikimedia Commons)

How does Social Media Addiction work?

Cognitive neuroscientists have shown that rewarding social stimuli – positive feedback by our peers, messages from loved ones – activate dopaminergic reward pathways. Dopaminergic reward pathways are pathways that release the neurotransmitter dopamine, a molecule that causes pleasure. The brain has three major dopaminergic reward pathways,  the nigrostriatal, the mesocortical, and the mesolimbic system. These pathways are activated when a user receives social stimuli on social media, specifically a notification.  Therefore, this is why when you receive a notification, you experience a feeling of pleasure.

Dopamine pathways in the brain labelled as the mesolimbic, nigrostriatal, and mesocortical pathway (via Wikimedia Commons)

When talking about social media, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Tiktok are all prominently huge social apps that many teenagers/young adults use. Every notification from social media apps like these, whether it’s a message, a “like” on Instagram, or a Facebook notification is scheduled on a variable reward schedule, introduced by psychologist B.F. Skinner.  These apps are designed with the schedule in mind to maximize dopamine release, producing addictive tendencies similar to gambling and recreational drugs like cocaine to keep users using their products as much as possible.

How can I tell if I have social media addiction or will be likely to be addicted?

Addiction is normally classified as “engagement in the behaviour to achieve appetitive effects,  preoccupation with the behaviour, temporary satiation,  loss of control, and suffering negative consequences.” In the context of social media addiction, it would mean users would be:

  • Consistently checking our phones to engage with social media apps.
  • Only feeling satisfied when we engage with the apps.
  • Suffering negative feelings when using or not using social media.

As well,  a study demonstrates that users that struggle with “fear of missing out” (FOMO) behaviours predicted social media addiction. Additionally, it is also noted that attachment anxiety and avoidance predicted social media addiction, but this relationship was no longer significant after the addition of FOMO. Furthermore, the study finds users who display extraversion and neuroticism are more likely to use social media in the first place.

What does this mean for me if I’m addicted?

Social media addiction can lead to lower self-esteem, where low self-esteem is associated with lower satisfaction with life. Consequently, due to low self-esteem, it was further found that social media addiction was affecting depression indirectly. Many users suffering from social media addiction also found themselves experiencing time distortion, where those who were addicted were more likely to present significant upward time estimate bias. Additionally, the following Ted Talk by Bailey Parnell further highlights social media and its role in causing a poor mental health state.

Preventative Measures

Curing social media addiction is hard. As previously mentioned, companies that make the apps we use purposely design their apps to maximize the use of our dopamine-driven reward circuitry to keep us continually using their apps. Seemingly, the only way to cure the addiction is to simply stop using the apps, and remove them from our phones.

Martin Au-yeung

The Use of Recreational Drug MDMA in PTSD Treatment

When you think of MDMA, otherwise known as ecstasy, you imagine most users using this drug would be most people using it at a club to party. However, scientists have recently used MDMA to assist in treating PTSD, and the results thus far are shocking.

What is MDMA?

MDMA is a drug that alters the mood and perception, where energy, pleasure, emotional warmth and sensory perception of the user are enhanced. To do so, MDMA enhances the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. The most notable neurotransmitter is serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in mood regulation and sleep. When MDMA binds to the synapse of nerve cells, it blocks the reuptake of serotonin, creating excess levels of serotonin present in the synaptic cleft. This is what is believed to cause the mood-elevating effects that people experience.

MDMA is found normally in the form of pressed pills. Source: Wikimedia Commons

PTSD and its effects on the human body 

PTSD is usually associated with dramatic flashbacks following a month after a traumatic event. Additionally, it can also be emotional numbness and avoidance of things that are reminders of the trauma. Most people also suffer from increased arousal, where they are very easily irritated and angered. However, these symptoms could take up to many months or years to appear following the trauma. These symptoms, if left untreated, could lead to an increase in suicidal thoughts and behaviours.”. War veterans, who usually suffer some degree of PTSD, are known to have a higher suicide rate compared to regular Canadian citizens. As well, more than 46% of adolescent girls who had been sexually abused attempted suicide at one point in their lives. 


Veteran Suicide Rates compared to Civilian Suicide Rates
Source: by /u/datashown


Decrease in PTSD symptoms after MDMA treatment

In a study done with MDMA and its effect on PTSD, it saw over 68% of its participants no longer meet the standards of PTSD diagnosis over the course of a year. As well, almost all patients saw their symptoms reduced. The treatment of MDMA was done by administering 75-125 mg of the drug during psychotherapy sessions in two/three 8 hour long sessions monthly, with regular psychotherapy sessions that occur between the monthly sessions. 

People with PTSD often have a hyperactive amygdala, their part of the brain that regulates fear and anger. When aroused, it causes them to feel stressed and undergo “fight or flight” responses. This is why traditional psychotherapy is difficult because discussion surrounding sensitive topics could trigger it. Additionally, since MDMA regulates the amygdala, this allows for the open discussion of sensitive topics, without triggering the patients “flight or fight” response. 

MDMA may improve PTSD symptoms with psychotherapy.
Source: Clearvue Health

The following Ted Talk by Brad Burge furthers the details of why MDMA can be used to treat PTSD

YouTube Preview Image


So why is this important?

PTSD affects 7-8 out of 100 people throughout their lives, so it is important there is a clear treatment path. As well, it opens up the possibility for MDMA to be researched into other forms of mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety.

– Martin Au-yeung