Author Archives: sandeep singh

Fighting Climate Change by Capturing Excess CO2.

Climate change is becoming a serious issue as temperatures continue to rise due to increasing global greenhouse emissions. Greenhouse gases such as CO2 trap reflecting sunlight and radiation that would normally escape the atmosphere of Earth and this trapped heat then leads to warmer temperatures. Over the past 150 years, Carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions around the world have increased mainly due to human involvement through the burning of fossil fuels and industrial processes. The figure below outlines the percentages of various greenhouse gas emissions and their sources.

Credit: IPCC(2014)

Due to these rising emissions, there are many researchers and technology companies around the world that are looking at ways to reduce the amount of atmospheric CO2 and mitigate climate change before it is too late. In the past few years, many new technologies and techniques to capture excess carbon have emerged. Some of these main ones include Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage(BECCS or bio-CCS) and Direct Air Capture(DAC). Although the ultimate goal of both methods is to reduce carbon emissions, BECCS focuses on capturing CO2 released through combustion in industrial facilities while DAC aims to directly capture excess CO2 from the atmosphere. From these two methods, companies such as Carbon Engineering who are employing DAC have gained more traction as they have landed large investors such as Bill Gates and Chevron.

A study posted in 2018 outlined the process and cost of Direct Air Capture(DAC). Through this research, a Canadian company called Carbon Engineering based in Squamish, BC has tested the Direct Air Capture technology and hopes to make various large scale carbon storage plants over the next few years. Another company called Climeworks based in Switzerland is using similar methods to capture carbon from the atmosphere. Carbon Engineering has a plan to use the carbon from the atmosphere in 2 different ways which are reusing the stored carbon as a source of fuel and the second being storing solid carbon underground. According to the company, one large scale plant can store as much carbon as 40 million trees. They believe it is an efficient way to reducing carbon emissions and as they continue to get more funding they become closer and closer to their goal.

This video below explains the Direct Air Capture(DAC) method of removing CO2 and also outlines the various ongoing and future projects to mitigate climate change.

-Sandeep Singh

From Earth to Beyond: Colonizing Mars

Past and Present

Humans have always been a curious species and have spent lots of time trying to figure out the mysteries of the universe. From launching thousands of satellites to space to landing a man on the moon, space exploration has continuously advanced through time. In the past, space agencies from around the world have completed various missions to space to explore different stars and planets such as the Moon and Mars. Humans continue to explore as they did in the past and now once again there is an increasing interest in space exploration.

In the past few years, there has been an increasing interest in searching for possible planets for humans to survive on. This has led to increased funding for research on planets like Mars. Mars is one of Earth’s closest neighbouring planets. Mars was first discovered in 1609, by Galileo Galilei who first saw it through a telescope. Since then, many satellites, probes and rovers have been sent to Mars to examine its surface and look for water and other signs that can help sustain life. Mars falls within the habitable zone in our solar system known as the Goldilocks zone. The Goldilocks zone is a zone around a star which is at a distance with a suitable temperature allowing liquid water to exist. The zone is shown in the image below. Research has shown signs of water on Mars but due to its thin atmosphere, much of it has frozen or evaporated. There are methods which are possible to artificially warm-up Mars according to space companies such as SpaceX. Mars also has 38% gravity of Earth which researchers suggest humans can adapt to. Moreover, a day on Mars is about 24 hrs and 37 min which is very similar to a day on Earth. While many factors determine the ability of a planet to support life, these factors have led scientists to consider Mars as a possible candidate for supporting human life.

Credit: Cornell University
Found on NASA astrobiology website


The Future

Due to the amount of radiation on Mars surface humans cannot walk around unprotected. The thin atmosphere on Mars would have to be shielded from solar winds and life on Mars would be mostly spent living in capsules. Many researchers and space organizations believe that Mars can be transformed into a fully habitable planet like Earth over time. Many organizations and companies like NASA and SpaceX are expanding Mars research and looking for ways to fix these problems.  SpaceX has a plan to send its first crew to Mars in the year 2024 while NASA has a more long term plan which includes sending crews to the Moon first as a preparation for larger missions to Mars. The video below shows how life on Mars would initially look like. As more research is done, humans will become one step closer to understanding ways of colonizing other planets such as Mars.


– Sandeep Singh

From Earth to Beyond: Will Humans Ever Live on Another Planet and What Would Life Beyond Earth Look Like?

Past, Present and Future

Humans have always been a curious species and have spent lots of time trying to figure out the mysteries of the universe. From launching thousands of satellites to space to landing a man on the moon, space exploration has continuously advanced through time. Throughout time, space agencies from around the world have completed various missions to space to explore different stars and planets such as the Moon and Mars. Humans continue to explore as they did in the past and now with the increasing interest in space exploration, there is no doubt that one-day humans will live on another planet.

Where would we go?

In the past few years, there has been an increasing interest in searching for possible planets for humans to survive on. This has led to increased funding for research on planets like Mars. Mars is one of Earth’s closest neighbouring planets. Mars was first discovered in 1609, by Galileo Galilei who first saw it through a telescope. Since then, many satellites, probes and rovers have been sent to Mars to examine its surface and look for water and other signs that can help sustain life. Mars falls within the habitable zone in our solar system known as the Goldilocks zone. The Goldilocks zone is a zone around a star which is at a distance good enough for liquid water to exist. The zone is shown in the photo below. Research has shown signs of water on Mars but due to its thin atmosphere, much of it has frozen or evaporated. There are methods which are possible to artificially warm-up Mars according to space companies such as SpaceX. Mars also has 38% gravity of Earth which researches suggest humans can adapt to. Moreover, a day on Mars is about 24 hrs and 37 min which is very similar to a day on Earth. These factors have shown that Mars is a suitable candidate for supporting human life.

Credit: Cornell University
Found on NASA astrobiology website


How will people get there?

People will travel to destinations such as Mars via rockets. Space flight is very expensive and can cost almost 100’s of millions of dollars just to send one rocket to a planet like Mars. Despite the overwhelming cost of rocket launches, many companies such as SpaceX and government agencies such as NASA and China National Space Administration (CNSA) have invested in Mars research. Technological innovation is leading to a decrease in these prices. SpaceX has a plan to send its first crew to Mars in the year 2024 while NASA has a more long term plan which includes sending crews to the Moon first as a preparation for larger missions to Mars.

Life on Mars

Due to the amount of radiation on Mars surface humans cannot walk around unprotected. The thin atmosphere on Mars would have to be shielded from solar winds and life on Mars would be mostly spent living in capsules. Over time, Mars can be transformed into a fully habitable planet like Earth.

– Sandeep Singh