Author Archives: tae hyung kim

A new horizon for cancer research

Unfortunately, even at the time of publishing this article, many people around the world are battling cancer in a fight for their lives. For these people and their loved ones, receiving efficacious cancer treatment is of the utmost priority. It is currently estimated that close to 1 in 2 Canadians will end up developing cancer, and about 1 in 4 Canadians are expected to die as a result of cancer.

Evolution of cancer therapy

Cancer therapy has come a long way, but getting to where we are today would not be possible without the research that started 40 to 50 years ago. In the podcast below Dr. Chris Orvig, a researcher and professor at the University of British Columbia, describes how cancer therapy has evolved over the years and how it has become what it is today.

Concerns of current cancer therapy

Currently, most cancer treatments revolve around chemotherapy, which aims to destroy cancer cells. However, chemotherapy also results in the damage of non-cancerous cells within the body, which causes a host of side effects. The result of this subpar cellular targeting is that patients often experience debilitating side effects such as hair loss, organ damage, and reduction in memory and cognitive ability, just to name a few.

Common side effects of cancer on the body. (Medical News Today)

Targeted Alpha Therapy: A better alternative

In the hopes of finding a more effective cancer treatment with minimal toxic effects, Dr. Orvig and his team of researchers set out to find a viable alternative. In their study published in March 2020, they aimed to determine the effectiveness of targeted alpha therapy, a relatively new form of cancer therapy, using a radioactive metal isotope (actinium-225) and a binding agent for the metal (H4py4pa).

To gain a better understanding of how this mechanism works, the video below has Dr. Chris Orvig going through some of the chemistry behind targeted alpha therapy.

Dr. Chris Orvig and his team found that actinium-225 and H4py4pa are very compatible—in fact, even more compatible than they had hypothesized. Therefore, by coupling actinium-225 and H4py4pa, they were able to have great localization when targeting the cancer cells. However, more research is necessary to confirm the effectiveness of this treatment even though recent trials offer promising results.

Looking forward

Around the world, researchers like Dr. Orvig are constantly working on advancing our understanding of cancer and cancer therapy through novel and innovative solutions. Targeted alpha therapy has become an emerging therapeutic option for cancer patients, and leaves future scientists with many possibilities to develop and expand upon the topic. Currently, there is a lack of effective cancer treatments that result in minimal side effects. As scientists continue to investigate and understand the complex nature of cancer, hope is the sustaining force in this inquiry.

Written by Alessandra Liu, Harman Sandhu, Mehdi Mesbahnejad, Tae Hyung Kim

The Secret Behind the Microorganism That Survived in Space for a Year

Have you ever thought there are extraterrestrial life? Or have you ever imagined the possibility of humans reaching planets outside of the Earth to live? Recently,  a microorganism that might be a key to the questions above have been investigated and it is Deinococcus radiodurans (D.raiodurans).

Panspermia Hypothesis

Panspermia hypothesis comes from greek word pan meaning all, and sperm meaning seed, hypothesizing that the life on Earth originated from “seeds” of lives being transported into Earth from space. However, in order to support this, there has to an evidence of organism that can tolerate extreme conditions such as radiation and temperature, of outer space.

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Panspermia hypothesis – Microorganism from outer space into the Earth by Silver Spoon Sokpop

Discovery of D.radiodurans

Discovery of D.radiodurans date back to 1956. A researcher named Arthur W.Anderson attempted sterilizing canned food with gamma radiation. However, he found out that the food was still spoiled, indicating survival of bacteria even in high radiation. This bacteria that survived was D.radiodurans. The intensity of radiation is measured unit Gray(Gy). 5 Gy of radiation kills humans, 200-800 Gy kills E.coli, but D.radiodurans was able to survive under 5000 Gy of radiation. Radiations damage cells by breaking DNA apart, but D.radiodurans has multiple features that helps recovery in this process. First is that it has multiple copies of genome, unlike many others that usually only have one. This allows D.radiodurans to use its multiple genomes has “back-up” to recover its destroyed genome. Second is that it has recovery proteins that repairs the damage in DNA much faster than repair proteins in other organisms. Lastly, D.radiodurans has manganese to protect itself from oxidative damage done by radiation and nitric oxide to facilitate cell growth after DNA repair.

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Protein Structure Image of D.rdiodurans by Samuel.P. Berry

D.radiodurans in Space

With ability of D.radiodurans to withstand harsh conditions known, scientists decided to test whether it can survive in space as well. Therefore, D.radiodurans  was exposed to space environment outside of International Space Station (ISS) for a year. The result was truly shocking. About 10% of the sample D.radiodurans survived without any morphological damage. Instead, survived D.radiodurans samples had multiple vessels on its surface, had their repair mechanism triggered, and increased abundance of mRNA and proteins responsible for rapair, regulation, and transportation functions in the cell. This showed that D.radiodurans was able to adapt to harsh conditions of the space for its survival.

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Image of ISS in Space by Blobbie244

Significance of this Finding

Going back to the discussion about the “seeds” in panspermia hypothesis, D.radiodurans became strong candidate for the organism that can serve as “seed” in the theory. Not only that it supports the hypothesis about the origin of the lives on Earth, it also suggests some future applications. That is, terraformation. Terraformation, or terraforming is known as process of changing any celestial body (such as other planets or moon) into habitable envrionment for human beings. Many scientist believe sending microorganisms that can survive in conditions of the target planet will be starting steps of terraformation. Therefore, D.radioduran, being able to survive in environment of Mars, is now one of the most promising candidate for starting agent of Mars terraformation.

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Mars Terraformation Steps Imaged by Daein Ballard

– Tae Hyung Kim


COVID-19: Environmental Impacts of the Masks

Have you ever thought that the masks we are wearing everyday might be polluting the environment? With the rise of COVID-19 pandemic, usage of masks have become such a natural and crucial part of people’s lives. However, as production and disposal of masks increase, environmental consequences of used masks are starting to be observed.

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Corona Mask Waste“, by Roksans96, licensed under Pixabay

Why are the masks being environmental threat?

Among many different types of masks currently produced, the most commonly used one are the surgical masks. High usage of surgical masks is due to safety provided by anti-droplet polypropylene filter layer of the masks. Since COVID-19 is known to be a droplet-borne disease, polypropylene filter layer became favorable feature to many individuals, especially to those working in hospitals and medical field. Given the fact the medical field workers are needed more than ever before with increasing number of infected individuals, production and disposal of surgical masks and polypropylene filter layer became inevitable.

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“Face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic“, by Paladin Zhang, licensed under CC BY 2.0

The concern lies in that surgical masks are mostly disposed after a single use because of possible bacterial cross-contamination upon multiple usage. Polypropylene is not readily biodegradable, which means as its usage escalates rapidly, its disposal might end up being long-lasting environmental concern.

Impact on marine ecology

Some of the environmental issues regarding mask wastes are already observable in some parts of the world. One of the first countries to face the environmental consequences of mask litter was Hong Kong, which was one of the first countries to face COVID-19 outbreak.

YouTube Preview Image

Description: Soko Island in Hong Kong polluted with COVID-19 mask waste.

Video Credit: South China Morning Post

Many of masks litters ended up in the coastal areas, where the wastes appeared to be serious threat to the marine ecology. Many marine predators might swallow mask wastes confusing the masks with their preys, and birds that live near coastal area are often entangled by disposed mask wastes.

pollution drina plastic waste free photo

“Pollution Drina Plastic Waste Free Photo“, by geraldsimon00, licensed under Pixabay

How is this issue being addressed?

After direct environmental impacts of mask wastes were observed, the need for more eco-friendly masks was highlighted. Therefore, scientists started working on development of mask materials that can replace polypropylene while keeping the strong anti-droplet effect of the filter layer.

One of the approaches were made by BioProducts Institute at the University of British Columbia. The research team attempted using wood fibers from local trees to make filter layer. Wood fibers are easily biodegradable, so even if mask litters end up in the environment, it would not be an environmental threat.

Another approach was made by Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The research team in the university used laser to induce properties of graphene on the mask. Graphene is hydrophobic, which means that it is effective in repelling droplets. Also, graphene has photothermal property, meaning it heats up under extensive exposure to sunlight. In this process, mask can be sterilized, and this antibacterial activity allows multiple reuse of masks. In this way, the amount of mask disposed will decrease significantly.

The ideal crystalline structure of graphene is a hexagonal grid.”, by AlexanderAlUS, licesned licensed under CC BY 2.0

However, all of the scientific technologies are still in developing stages. There are still some concerns in applying them to commercial masks yet. Still, with many scientist putting efforts to overcome this issue, I believe the solution will be found soon.

– Tae Hyung Kim