Category Archives: Science in the News

Failure to Communicate


Right now communicating science to the general public is more important than ever, and we are failing. Less than 50% of Americans say they would receive a vaccine for COVID-19. This shows the eroding trust that the public has for their once highly esteemed scientist. This is the result of breakdowns in the scientific method that have led to conflicting information being shared with the public.

Mask  Wearing

Perhaps the most notable slip up was the controversy surrounding masks.  While recommended now, it was not until April 3rd, three months into the pandemic, that the CDC began recommending the general public to wear a mask. This was in direct conflict with their earlier statements that only healthcare workers needed masks.  Scientists rushed conclusions that could not be properly verified before being shared with the public. The public demanded answers from a process that can take years, in a matter of weeks. By caving in to public demand, the CDC and World Health Organization were inevitably set up for failure as the pandemic progressed and more data was collected leading to new developments. Tweets from the U.S surgeon general like this

Tweet by Surgeon General Feb 29

only serve to fuel distrust when compared with tweets he makes a few months later.

Tweet by Surgeon General June 14


I do not fault scientists for changing their opinion as new data became available, but I do fault (some) scientists for stating their answers with confidence when the proper research and review had not been conducted.



Image: flickr

Scientists have been under enormous pressure to find treatments for COVID-19 that can reduce mortality and infection rate. This has created haste in the scientific method and has allowed some treatments to receive emergency authorization from the FDA such as remdesivir. Even these emergency authorizations are accompanied by randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials that assure treatments are safe. These methods for testing were not present in the study of Hydroxychloroquine that led to its eventual emergency authorization.  The original study involved only 26 patients treated with Hydroxychloroquine that were compared to 16 untreated patients at a different hospital. Later studies conducted on Hydroxychloroquine would question its effectiveness as a treatment for COVID-19 and thus the scientific process was able to correct itself and the FDA revoked the use of Hydroxychloroquine. However, the public once again lost its trust in doctors. This opened the door to rumors and conspiracy theories to dominate the public view. In a pandemic where time is everything the spread of misinformation costs lives

By allowing leniency in the scientific method, we have opened the flood gates to all types of information being thrust onto the pedestal once reserved for the conclusion from the scientific method. Your uncle’s Facebook post about the healing power of Clorox bleach carries as much weight as the cutting edge research on COVID-19. Scientists have lost credibility with the public. This is not the first time this has happened, but it may be the most damaging.


Dylan Chambers

From Earth to Beyond: Will Humans Ever Live on Another Planet and What Would Life Beyond Earth Look Like?

Past, Present and Future

Humans have always been a curious species and have spent lots of time trying to figure out the mysteries of the universe. From launching thousands of satellites to space to landing a man on the moon, space exploration has continuously advanced through time. Throughout time, space agencies from around the world have completed various missions to space to explore different stars and planets such as the Moon and Mars. Humans continue to explore as they did in the past and now with the increasing interest in space exploration, there is no doubt that one-day humans will live on another planet.

Where would we go?

In the past few years, there has been an increasing interest in searching for possible planets for humans to survive on. This has led to increased funding for research on planets like Mars. Mars is one of Earth’s closest neighbouring planets. Mars was first discovered in 1609, by Galileo Galilei who first saw it through a telescope. Since then, many satellites, probes and rovers have been sent to Mars to examine its surface and look for water and other signs that can help sustain life. Mars falls within the habitable zone in our solar system known as the Goldilocks zone. The Goldilocks zone is a zone around a star which is at a distance good enough for liquid water to exist. The zone is shown in the photo below. Research has shown signs of water on Mars but due to its thin atmosphere, much of it has frozen or evaporated. There are methods which are possible to artificially warm-up Mars according to space companies such as SpaceX. Mars also has 38% gravity of Earth which researches suggest humans can adapt to. Moreover, a day on Mars is about 24 hrs and 37 min which is very similar to a day on Earth. These factors have shown that Mars is a suitable candidate for supporting human life.

Credit: Cornell University
Found on NASA astrobiology website


How will people get there?

People will travel to destinations such as Mars via rockets. Space flight is very expensive and can cost almost 100’s of millions of dollars just to send one rocket to a planet like Mars. Despite the overwhelming cost of rocket launches, many companies such as SpaceX and government agencies such as NASA and China National Space Administration (CNSA) have invested in Mars research. Technological innovation is leading to a decrease in these prices. SpaceX has a plan to send its first crew to Mars in the year 2024 while NASA has a more long term plan which includes sending crews to the Moon first as a preparation for larger missions to Mars.

Life on Mars

Due to the amount of radiation on Mars surface humans cannot walk around unprotected. The thin atmosphere on Mars would have to be shielded from solar winds and life on Mars would be mostly spent living in capsules. Over time, Mars can be transformed into a fully habitable planet like Earth.

– Sandeep Singh

Self-Driving Car: Latest Technologies

Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars might seem like an imaginary machine for people who are not very familiar with the term, but it is expected to be widespread soon. According to Grand View Research, the global self‑driving cars’ market size is expected to expand at CAGR of 63.1% from 2021 to 2030. They are a key innovation and have high growth potential in the automobile industry.


While the market of self-driving cars is expanding, there is a company that attracts the most attention to itself now in the automobile industry, which is Weymo. Weymo itself does not produce cars, but it develops AI software for self-driving cars. Their autonomous driving technology is said to be the most advanced in the world.

Image: Grendelkhan/Wikimedia

Utilization and Training Of AI by Waymo

Waymo is using machine learning in many ways to improve its autonomous driving technology. They need many data in various situations, but it is difficult to train them using real-world data in high-risk but infrequent situations, such as when pedestrians jump out from behind a stopped car or in a snowstorm. Thus, the cars are instead travelling billions of miles using virtual reality simulations. Waymo’s researchers have revealed that they usually drive about 25,000 cars in simulations to keep improving machine learning algorithms.

Recognition Of Objects and Surroundings

The most basic task of self-driving cars is to recognize surrounding objects. Waymo uses a neural network that imitates the mechanism of the human brain to accurately detect traffic lights, bicycles, pedestrians, lanes, etc. in any weather condition. Weymo has recently released a video of a car understanding human gestures. The video below shows a self-driving car stopping at a crossing with a broken signal and following a police officer’s hand signal.

Source: Weymo

Predicting the movement of pedestrians and vehicles is essential to avoid accidents. In 2019, Waymo patented a system that sends data from a car sensor to a neural network to predict the position of a nearby car.

Future Prospects of Self-Driving Cars and Issues

Although the technology of self-driving cars is rapidly developing, there are still many issues that cannot be solved by technology alone. For example, in regards to the Tesla car fatal accident that occurred in 2018, issues such as upon whom responsibility should be and the driver’s moral hazard have been pointed out. It won’t be long before self-driving cars will be part of people’s daily lives if these problems are solved.


ーShunya Sunami

“Signs of Life Found in Space?!?” – A Media Misnomer

Almost every time without fail, when I find myself reading through the science section of mainstream news websites, I will inexplicably find an article with a headline like “Signs of Life Found on Venus”. To the average reader, this seems like huge news, as it’s not every day that we discover alien life. But, like many headlines today, this is far from the truth that this scientific discovery is presenting.

Photo of Venus. Photo Credit: NASA/JPL

What was actually discovered?

While it is true that recently a team of astronomers from around the globe announced the discovery of a rare molecule called phosphine in the clouds of Venus, this does not mean that life as we know it was found on Venus. This recent discovery showed that in the higher atmosphere of Venus, there were detections of molecules of phosphine, about a rate of about twenty phosphine molecules in a sample of a billion molecules in the atmosphere. The reason this is interesting is that phosphine (PH3) is an element that is mainly produced on earth by chemical reductions of phosphate in decaying organic matter such as bacteria. 

This discovery showed that somehow, there are chemical signs of decaying organic matter on Venus despite its harsh acidic atmosphere and high planetary temperatures. Here is a scientist from the Royal Astronomical Society detailing the findings in full:

YouTube Preview Image


What is the media getting wrong?

Even though scientists are extremely excited about this discovery, it’s not because they have certainly found life outside of our planet. Rather, scientists are excited about this discovery because it raises a lot of questions about how phosphine got to where it is on Venus. This is an important scientific discovery because it opens doors to new areas of research that can be done on determining where the phosphine in Venus’ atmosphere comes from.

The fact that there is this huge piece of evidence that goes against what we know regarding phosphine and conditions for life to exist is a huge stepping stone towards learning more about both subjects.

So what other explanations are there?

There are lots of alternative explanations for where this phosphine could have come from besides organic life. For example, it’s possible that there is some unknown chemical process occurring on Venus that is creating these phosphine molecules. Or maybe it is, in fact, the case that these phosphine molecules are created by some sort of life. Even after extensive scientific review, astronomers are still unsure of where these molecules are coming from. So, unfortunately, we will not know the truth about these molecules’ origin until we go out and discover it for ourselves.

Until we have real, solid, scientific proof that the phosphine molecules we are discovering in our solar system (along with any other biomarkers) are actually being created by alien life forms, don’t believe any headlines you see reading “Signs of Life Found In Space!”, as they really should read “Potential Biomarker Molecules Found in the Upper Atmosphere of Venus”.


Mitigating Climate Change: Carbon Capture

Climate change is the change of weather and the rise of sea levels on the planet Earth. Climate change is an extremely relevant global issue since it can lead to flooding and extreme weather conditions which can endanger life on earth. As a result, it is of utmost importance to find solutions that can help mitigate the effects of climate change. One of the main causes of climate change is the release of excess carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, due to the burning of fossil fuels.

Image: Climate Change
Source: CC0 Public Domain

A solution to climate change

One solution that scientists have proposed in order to reduce the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide is to capture carbon dioxide in the air and use the captured carbon dioxide as a source of chemical carbon for other processes. This process is known as “carbon capture and utilization” (CCU). Although the potential benefits of CCU are very promising, changing the carbon dioxide into a different form and using it in other chemical processes has been proven to be difficult, mainly due to the thermodynamic stability of carbon dioxide. Although CCU has gained major traction over the past few years, it will still require a lot of time before it can be used industrially worldwide. Scientists are currently in the process of trying to find the least costly, and most efficient means of capturing carbon emissions to reduce climate change. 

YouTube Preview Image                                                      Video: Carbon Capture Plant in Squamish, BC

Carbon capture methods

One of the carbon capturing methods that has been showing promise in recent scientific studies, is the adsorption of carbon dioxide through the use of solid sorbents. Adsorption is the adhesion or the clinging of gas molecules onto a surface. In this case, the carbon dioxide molecules will stick to the solid surface of the sorbent, which leads to successful carbon capturing. The solid sorbents used in this method can be made of “porous carbonaceous materials, zeolites, alumina, silica, (or) metal-organic frameworks.” Adsorption of carbon dioxide can be categorized into two variations; physical and chemical adsorption. In physical adsorption, the transfer of carbon dioxide into the solid sorbent occurs due to the van der Waals interactions between the sorbent and the carbon dioxide. The issue with these physical sorbents is that they have “poor selectivity for CO2, and low CO2 adsorption capacities.A means of improving both the carbon dioxide selectivity and the carbon dioxide adsorption capacities of these sorbents is by adding basic groups to the sorbent surface, which can strengthen its interactions with the acidic carbon dioxide. These sorbents primarily use alkalis to act as basic groups. In terms of alkali-based sorbents, scientists have been favouring the use of potassium carbonate and sodium carbonate. Although carbon dioxide absorption via solid sorbents is very promising, more scientific work needs to be done to improve the adsorption capabilities of sorbents.

Another carbon capturing method that scientists have been favouring is the separation of carbon dioxide via membranes. These membranes are selectively permeable to carbon dioxide which leads to separation of carbon dioxide from other chemicals.

All in all, the development of these innovative carbon capturing mechanisms is helping to mitigate climate change and scientists are working hard to refine these techniques. 

– Yoshinao Matsubara

COVID-19: Environmental Impacts of the Masks

Have you ever thought that the masks we are wearing everyday might be polluting the environment? With the rise of COVID-19 pandemic, usage of masks have become such a natural and crucial part of people’s lives. However, as production and disposal of masks increase, environmental consequences of used masks are starting to be observed.

Corona, Mask, Waste, Coronavirus, Covid-19, Pandemic

Corona Mask Waste“, by Roksans96, licensed under Pixabay

Why are the masks being environmental threat?

Among many different types of masks currently produced, the most commonly used one are the surgical masks. High usage of surgical masks is due to safety provided by anti-droplet polypropylene filter layer of the masks. Since COVID-19 is known to be a droplet-borne disease, polypropylene filter layer became favorable feature to many individuals, especially to those working in hospitals and medical field. Given the fact the medical field workers are needed more than ever before with increasing number of infected individuals, production and disposal of surgical masks and polypropylene filter layer became inevitable.

File:Face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic.jpg

“Face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic“, by Paladin Zhang, licensed under CC BY 2.0

The concern lies in that surgical masks are mostly disposed after a single use because of possible bacterial cross-contamination upon multiple usage. Polypropylene is not readily biodegradable, which means as its usage escalates rapidly, its disposal might end up being long-lasting environmental concern.

Impact on marine ecology

Some of the environmental issues regarding mask wastes are already observable in some parts of the world. One of the first countries to face the environmental consequences of mask litter was Hong Kong, which was one of the first countries to face COVID-19 outbreak.

YouTube Preview Image

Description: Soko Island in Hong Kong polluted with COVID-19 mask waste.

Video Credit: South China Morning Post

Many of masks litters ended up in the coastal areas, where the wastes appeared to be serious threat to the marine ecology. Many marine predators might swallow mask wastes confusing the masks with their preys, and birds that live near coastal area are often entangled by disposed mask wastes.

pollution drina plastic waste free photo

“Pollution Drina Plastic Waste Free Photo“, by geraldsimon00, licensed under Pixabay

How is this issue being addressed?

After direct environmental impacts of mask wastes were observed, the need for more eco-friendly masks was highlighted. Therefore, scientists started working on development of mask materials that can replace polypropylene while keeping the strong anti-droplet effect of the filter layer.

One of the approaches were made by BioProducts Institute at the University of British Columbia. The research team attempted using wood fibers from local trees to make filter layer. Wood fibers are easily biodegradable, so even if mask litters end up in the environment, it would not be an environmental threat.

Another approach was made by Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The research team in the university used laser to induce properties of graphene on the mask. Graphene is hydrophobic, which means that it is effective in repelling droplets. Also, graphene has photothermal property, meaning it heats up under extensive exposure to sunlight. In this process, mask can be sterilized, and this antibacterial activity allows multiple reuse of masks. In this way, the amount of mask disposed will decrease significantly.

The ideal crystalline structure of graphene is a hexagonal grid.”, by AlexanderAlUS, licesned licensed under CC BY 2.0

However, all of the scientific technologies are still in developing stages. There are still some concerns in applying them to commercial masks yet. Still, with many scientist putting efforts to overcome this issue, I believe the solution will be found soon.

– Tae Hyung Kim
