Tag Archives: biochemistry

Does an Obesity Gene Exist?

Genes play a big role in determining how a person looks including our eye color, hair color, and height, but can your genes also determine your waistline? As of now, 61% of Canadians are overweight or obese and that number is even higher in America, with 66% of its citizens overweight or obese.  While these numbers can be attributed to a more sedentary lifestyle and poor diet, genetics has been shown to be a factor. A study in 1986 found that adopted children’s BMI more closely matched their biological parents than adoptive parents. While environmental factors play a huge role in a person’s weight, the importance of genetics cannot be understated.

One of the first genes to be linked to obesity was the melanocortin-4-receptor gene (MC4R). In 1998 a study found that mutations in MC4R would lead to early-onset obesity in children. However, this mutation is extremely rare, affecting less than 5% of those suffering from obesity leading researchers to search for more common genetic variations. Starting in 2002 scientists began to perform genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Instead of looking at genomes of a few hundred people, scientists could now look at entire DNA sequences of hundreds of thousands of people in order to find links between certain genes and illness.  A GWAS in 2007 led to the discovery that variations in the fat mass and obesity (FTO) gene were associated with higher BMI’s. These variations were much more common with 43% of the population carrying this “risky” allele of the FTO gene.  The study found that individuals with certain variations of this gene were 1.67 times as likely to be obese. Despite this, the FTO gene itself only raised BMI .4 kg/m^2 an amount much too small to lead to the increase in BMI observed (3 kg/M^2). This is why the majority of obesity in the population is caused by many genes, not just one. Since 2006 GWAS has led to the discovery of more than 50 genes associated with obesity.

The discovery of these genes not only can tell us who is predisposed to becoming obese, but who is also more likely to suffer from metabolic diseases associated with obesity like heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. This video from the University of Michigan explains some of the surprises that came from studying genes related to obesity and how we can use this information to benefit people.

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However, just discovering these genes isn’t enough. In order to treat these variations, we have to better understand the mechanism of these genes. Recent studies have revealed that variations of the FTO can cause alterations in satiety that people feel, but the exact mechanism of these effects are still largely unknown. For now, proper exercise and nutrition can counter the effects of most of these “fat” genes. In the future, people may be able to find the best way to prevent weight gain based on their genetic makeup. Only time will tell if future discoveries can reverse this obesity epidemic.


By Dylan Chambers

Toward enzymatic blood conversion: A promising solution for blood shortage and transfusion incompatibility

What do you do when a patient requires blood transfusion, but the specific blood type is inadequate in the blood bank? Blood shortage has become a concern worldwide. According to American Red Cross, approximate 36,000 units of red blood cells (RBCs) are needed daily in the U.S, yet 13 million units are collected in a year, resulting in an average daily shortage of 400 units. And, this crisis usually expands during extraordinary situations. A recent example is the critical blood shortage during COVID-19 pandemic.

To solve the challenge, chemists have taken a step forward to examine the structure of RBCs and consider what if we convert all blood types to the universally accepted O blood. The importance of such research is that the barrier of blood transfusion between different types no longer exists. Hence, blood supply increases to ease the shortage.

What are blood types and transfusional barrier?

Image credit: InvictaHOG

There are four major blood types: A, B, AB, and O. Although blood might look the same and do the same job, such as carrying oxygen for respiration, transfusing incompatible blood type will trigger fatal immune responses. That is because of the additional sugar molecule, called antigen, attaching to the core sugar structure on a RBC. Type A blood has A antigens. Similarly, type B blood has B antigens. Moreover, type AB blood contains both A and B antigens. Importantly, type O has none of them.

Image credit: Marius Lixandru

Due to the presence of either A or B antigen, A-blood people cannot transfuse with type B; B-blood people cannot transfuse with type A. Consequently, AB-blood people cannot take either A or B but only with AB blood. Only O blood is the universally accepted type because it shares without being recognized as an outsider by our immune system.

Origin of enzymatic blood conversion

The first idea of blood-type conversion can be traced back to 1980s, Goldstein and his colleagues used an enzyme found in coffee beans and have shown success in the complete enzymatic removal of B antigen, generating non-antigen blood (O blood). However, the conversion requires large quantity of enzymes and output a trace amount of type O. As a result, the work done by Goldstein is not suitable for practical use. Similarly, other research uses an enzyme found in fungi to remove A antigen but its efficiency is still inadequate.

Improving enzyme activity using enzyme engineering

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Description: How enzymes found in gut bacteria change blood types for transfusion

Great improvement in enzyme activity is recently done by Kwan’s team who modify sugar hydrolase (GH98) with 170-times higher enzyme activity than that of the original hydrolase from human gut bacteria using enzyme engineering. It is inspiring because GH98 enzyme can remove both A and B antigens, whereas other enzymes used in past research only remove either A or B antigens. Their research broadens the specificity of the enzyme and makes the blood conversion more promising and practical for resolving blood shortage.

– Calvin Pan