Tag Archives: cognitive

The Impact of Sleep Quality on Personal Health and Academic Performance

One of the most often neglected yet crucial components in developing a healthy lifestyle is getting enough quality sleep at the right times. Without sleep, the brain cannot function at the caliber that it is expected to, and can impair one’s ability to concentrate, think clearly, as well as overall mental and physical health. As university students, a lot of our precious sleep time is sacrificed due to the negative influence of electronics and time spent scrolling through social media, that we start to forget how much sleep actually means to us on a day-to-day basis and its impact on academic performance.

Why is sleep so important and why should we care?

Sleep is a crucial part of our lives due to its impact on a number of our brain functions such as cognitive sophistication (includes open-minded thinking, intelligence, and executive functioning), emotion regulation (the way we control our feelings), and social cognition (the ability to understand social cues and the mental processes that allow us to interact in the social world). These developmental milestones are strengthened as a result of adequate levels of sleep and help mitigate some serious health risks including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, and Alzheimer’s.

The influence of sleep quality among university students

A recent study was conducted on the relationship between sleep quality and students’ academic scores among a total of 855 university students; 476 were women (55.7%) and 378 were men (44.3%). Sleep quality was assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), a standardized self-report questionnaire that is completed over a 1-month time interval. As a result, there was a noticeable observation regarding the differences in academic achievements, where students with poor sleep quality obtained lower scores, compared those who had good sleep quality.

PSQI participant conditions
Photo by Toscano-Hermoso, Maria
Source: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/8/2760

What is considered to be the “right amount” of sleep? 

In the following video from a TED series called “Sleeping with Science”, sleep scientist Matt Walker helps us understand the graphical correlation between the amount of sleep we get in conjunction with mortality rate. In addition, Matt elaborates on how sleep quality is independent of sleep quantity and a unique trend that is created from the relationship between these two variables.

Stop snoozing that alarm clock!

While it’s easier said than done, frequently pressing the snooze button on your alarm clock can potentially become a negative impact on your health. In addition to the risk of cardiovascular disease from a result of poor sleep quality, alarms can also be a factor of stress on the cardiovascular system when the snooze button is repeatedly pressed. This is because your cardiovascular system is assaulted time after time, and can accumulate across a lifetime. Hopefully, you can think about this the next time you hear your alarm and push yourself to wake up for that 9 am Zoom lecture.

– Gordon Wu

Why Does Good Music Give Us The Chills? How Music Can Affect Your Mind

People enjoying music

People enjoying music. Image: OmarMedinaFilms on pixabay.com

For as long as it has existed in the world, music has been pleasing generations of people who adore the art form.  But, even though many of us listen to music for pleasure, how exactly does music give our brains that pleasure? Until recently, no studies had definitive answers for that question. But, a recent breakthrough study from a group of French neuroscience researchers may have an answer for that question of how music makes us feel good.

What The Study Found

This study differs from previous papers on the same topic by introducing a method of collecting information not used before in this type of research: electroencephalograms (EEGs). EEGs are a collection of sensors attached to a person that is used to monitor a person’s specific brain activity. Below is a short video explaining how the technology works. The study used EEG technology to monitor 18 participants who were monitored for a baseline reading before being given headphones with preselected music that the participant had chosen based on what gives them chills.

YouTube Preview Image

Past research on the topic had already illuminated the possibility of good music affecting human reward centers in the brain, similar to how eating good food or having sex activates human reward centers. But this study was the first to actually monitor some of these reward centers activating in the brain in response to music.

When participants listened to a song that gave them the chills, the scientists conducting the study found that there was a significant increase in theta-waves in certain parts of the brain associated with emotional processing. These patterns of theta-waves, which are normal oscillating brain activity, indicate that the brain starts emotionally processing music once it starts to recognize it. In addition to these theta-waves, the study also states that dopamine (a hormone that is associated with pleasurable experiences) is released in the brain in response to hearing music. These two responses combine in the brain to produce, among other things, the effect of having chills.

Diagram of what an EEG and EEG reading looks like. Image credits: springer.com article “Electroencephalogram (EEG) and Its Background”

So why do our brains do this?

While this study has greatly illuminated the processes that occur in the brain in response to music, there is still not much that is known as to why these processes occur in the first place.

Some of the scientists who conducted this study have noted how interesting it is that music activates our reward centers yet it provides no visible evolutionary advantage that could have led to us evolving this response through natural selection.

Many scientists have theorized what purpose music could have played in our ancestral lives, or if it even played any role at all. It is entirely possible that music was created to exploit existing human reward systems similar to how drugs and junk-food exploit evolved-human reward systems from our ancestral lives. But until more research is done on this topic, we cannot conclude why music gives us the chills.

– Ryan Reiss

Artificial Intelligence: What, if anything, do brains and computer vision have in common?

Did you know that artificial neural networks (which are computing systems) can process information in a similar way compared to the human brain? According to a study this month from the journal Current Biology, “artificial neural networks can perceive 3D objects in the same first-glance way our brains do”.

A diagram depicting the basic structure of an artificial neural network. Source: Wikimedia Commons

That being said, after all humans do use organic brains to model artificial neural networks. Therefore, it should not be groundbreaking news that such networks somewhat resemble natural brains. Well, at least not until they become similar in ways which we have not designed them to be.

Let’s start with explaining more about the human brain. It processes visual information through several sections, with each part combining different perceived properties of an object to create a full image. Scientifically, this is how we view and perceive objects.

However, the aforementioned study shows how neurons in the V4 area (the first section in the brain’s object vision) also represent 3D shape fragments, and not only 2D shapes as previously thought. According to TechXplore, this is a significant finding because it is opposite to the general scientific consensus for the last 40 years.

During this same research, scientists noticed something they did not expect: the same 3D patterns the brain utilizes to see are also used in an artificial neural network. As stated by Futurism, this was noticed upon looking further into the AlexNet algorithm (an advanced computer vision network).

Ed Connor, a Johns Hopkins University neuroscientist, discovered very similar natural & artificial neuron image response patterns in AlexNet’s layer 3, and the V4 section in the brain. He was “surprised to see strong, clear signals for 3D shape” as soon as the brain’s V4 section. However, it was even more shocking that the AlexNet algorithm also had such signals for 3D shapes. That’s because the algorithm had been solely designed to convert 2D photographs to object labels.

This shows how visual information is transferred through different sections of the human brain. Source: Wikimedia Commons

According to Connor, artificial networks are currently the most promising models for learning about the human brain. On the flip side, the brain contains the most reliable source of strategies for bringing artificial intelligence closer to natural intelligence.

This latest research hints at the new standard for artificial intelligence research. Rather than taking the traditional method of utilizing information known about the brain to build computers, researchers now take a reverse approach.

This image depicts how there are growing similarities between natural and artificial intelligence. Source: Pxfuel

That is, they rely on computers to discover how our brains function. It is quite interesting, yet strange, to find out that artificial computer vision systems can resemble the human brain’s perception in unintended ways.

– Jacqueline (Wai Ting) Chan