Mobile Security — Course Information


When: The course sessions will be held either on Thursdays 10 AM – 1 PM, and on some Mondays 10 AM – 1 PM in January (to compensate for February classes). See the course calendar for specific dates of the classes.

The first class will be at 2 PM on January 8, 2015.

Where: KAIS 4018.

Announcements: All non-urgent announcements for the course are made in the class. Urgent announcements are sent to the e-mail addresses that the students provided to the UBC registration system.


Grading will be done according to the following scheme:

Grade %
Work throughout the course (46%)
In-class and online contribution to discussions
Analysis and critique of research papers
Presenting papers in-class
Research Paper (38%)
Research paper proposal
Pre-final draft of the research paper
Feedback to other students on their paper drafts
Final version of the research paper
Reviewing research papers of other students
Mini-conference (16%)
Presentation at the mini-conference
Helping to organize the mini-conference


Dr. Konstantin Beznosov. Office hours by appointment.


Learning Objectives

On the completion of this course, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Orient themselves in the area of security and privacy in mobile communications and computing,
  2. Analyze and critique research published in the field,
  3. Reason about security design of communication, computer, and information systems in the context of mobility,
  4. Independently study other selected areas of computer security and privacy,
  5. Write research papers on the subject related to computer security and privacy,
  6. Use effectively literature databases, libraries, and other sources available for UBC researchers, for conducting literature studies on computer security and privacy,
  7. Present their work and comment on others’ work to peers.