Hands-on Projects

You can work either by yourself or team up with another student from the course. Teams will be of no more than 2 students.

Extended Abstract Requirements for Hands On Projects

  • Format: ACM SIG Proceedings (option 1)
  • Hands-on projects:
    • length: up to 3 pages
    • The following are the questions that your project extended abstract should address in brief:
  1. What is the problem we are going to address?
  2. Why is this problem important?
  3. How is this problem currently addressed by others?
  4. What is the way we are proposing to address the problem?
  5. Why and in what respect is our way to address this problem is going to be better than those developed by others?
  6. What’s the adversary model?
  7. For design projects: How are you going to evalaute your approach?

Final Report Requirements for Hands On Projects

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