Survey Papers

This is an individual option, i.e., you write the paper by yourself.

Based on relevant published research papers, the survey paper must be written in the style of a research paper (abstract, introduction, numbered sections, etc.), with proper academic citation of all sources relied upon. Grades will be awarded for demonstrating a solid understanding of the area, insight (e.g., filling in explanatory gaps or smoothly integrating results of several papers), conciseness and clarity. Besides technical content, editorial style is important; grades will be deducted for poor presentation (grammar, spelling, punctuation), poor organization, ambiguity and vagueness.

For top marks, students would generally be expected to make novel extensions to existing research, or be well on their way to a publishable survey paper. The survey paper for this course should provide, as a minimum, a research survey including:

  1. an outline and summary of the selected problem(s) and existing solutions in the area;
  2. identification and explanations of important recent results and trends; and
  3. discussion of important open problems and future research directions.


Extended Abstract Requirements for Survey papers

  • length: up to 3 pages
  • Explain clearly the proposed topic, including academic literature references you expect to work from.
  • Define as precisely as you can the scope of your survey. You can use examples to explain what will be in and what will be out of scope.
  • list key references that you will be using, when doing research for your survey paper.

Final Report Requirements for Survey Papers


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