A Campus Connoisseuse

Pretentions of a science nerd

Archive for the ‘wine’ tag

Blasted Church Sauvignon Blanc

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Perhaps I was just feeling unimaginative yesterday, but curiously enough, for the first time, ever, I wound up drinking a wine that I can only best describe as tasting like grapes. To be more precise: it tasted like tangy, green grapes. But grapes nonetheless.

I can’t say all that much more about the Blasted Church Sauvignon Blanc. There was faintly noticeable lime undertone. The aroma was unremarkable. Indeed, it was a totally inoffensive, boring, easy to drink wine. I can’t help but compare it to the shift in the art around Granville Island as the Olympics are undergoing: innocuous, unstimulating, and friendly to everybody.

And so, I would recommend it quite simply as perfect for that dinner party. You know, the kind where you need that safe pick. The wine that nobody will hate. It’ll do.

Written by patitsas

February 21st, 2010 at 8:04 pm

White Bear Sauvignon Blanc

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I tend to be on the fence about Okanagan wines. I like buying local, but so seldom do any of the British Columbian wines manage to impress me. So I would consider it even more remarkable that White Bear Sauvignon Blanc has.

I picked it up today at after discovering the BCL on campus is finally now open on Sundays. (Students rejoice!)

The wine is dry, piquant and smooth. It has a slightly flowery scent; and a lightly grassy, clear lemon flavour. Its light body and subtle taste is unusually refreshing for a wine, and embodies what I really like in a sauvignon blanc.

Not only is it a good student-affordable wine, but 15% of the profits go to supporting the conservation of the Great Bear Rainforest. Organic, fair trade, socially responsible wines have always disappointed me in the past — finally, one I can heartily recommend for its quality and its integrity.

Written by patitsas

February 14th, 2010 at 6:38 pm

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