Tag Archives: Eburne

Module 3 – Post 3 – How Media Supports Indigenous Memories (Part 1) by Kevin Andrews

Site #1:

It is interesting to note the different ways Indigenous people use media to cover one issue concerning the protection of their collective history. I chose to examine the village and Midden site of c̓əsnaʔəm of Marpople village and the Musqueam community.  The first means with which the Musqueam Community spreads the word about their plight is through Facebook where they have various news clips, photos and also a blog that describes their efforts to stop a condo development site from being built so that their ancestors are no longer desecrated.

Below is a link to their Facebook page:


By this means of communication, they are able to get the public to react and support their cause through blogs and even a petition. There are quite a few supportive comments in their blogs, but it is unclear how many actually come from outside the community itself.

Site # 2

By continuing to explore this story and how the Musqueam community is using the Web and Internet to protect their 4,000-year-old burial site, also know as the Eburne site, Manpole Midden or Great Fraser Midden, I found a 5-minute youtube video, here is the link:

I found that this video was powerful, the message is clear – the images are evocative.  The Musqueam community is really working together to save their historical site and they are willing to go all the way to protect their collective history.  I found this to be a very effective way to get the Musqueam message across.  Many people view YouTube and it can obviously help their cause.   The video is well made and has a very important message.