Tag Archives: first nation sovereignty

5 interesting links on Indigenous Knowledge

I hope you find some of these links helpful and interesting.

This article which includes a video is about a school run by the Northern Nishnawbe Education Council, a First Nations non-profit organization. The vision is to help indigenous students succeed while keeping their identities and sets of values. Students come from different reserves and they are set up in boarding homes. Each student is assigned a “prime worker”. As students cannot get education in their reserves, they leave their families to attend this school. The goal is to help them gain the skills and confidence to find employment on reserves and take pride of being part of the indigenous culture.

The information on this webpage is put together by the chiefs of Ontario.

“The Chiefs of Ontario is an advocacy forum and secretariat for collective decision-making, action, and advocacy for the 133 First Nations communities located in Ontario.”

The page gives a basic perspective of the indigenous peoples of Ontario’s views of their land, their rights and their culture.

This website is a multimedia teacher education program by launched by UNESCO and is a resourceful site where you can find explanations on indigenous approach to learning and a comparison with learning in western cultures.

Video called: Knowledge as a Key Site for Decolonization. In this video, Dr. Marie Battiste talks about the critique of the institutions that have created assimilation and forced integration; the fact that the western educational system has been forced on Indigenous peoples has eroded their knowledge system. She talks about the attempt to restore and regenerate the Indigenous knowledges to be able to pass them on to the next generations.

This document is prepared by Dr. Marie Battiste for the National Working Group on Education and the Minister of Indian Affairs. It does a comparative analysis of Eurocentric theory of knowledge and the Indigenous approach to learning. Its goal is to make policy-makers understand Indigenous knowledge and it makes recommendations on how to improve educational outcomes.