Tag Archives: Montreal

Module 1-Post 1: First Peoples’ House


While in Montreal, I worked closely with the First Peoples’ House. The first people house provides a “home away from home” for Aboriginal students who are studying at McGill. They bring in speakers, perform workshops and also serve as a resource centre not only for students who are currently at McGill but also for prospective McGill students, as well as Aboriginal high school students from neighbouring reserves. I used to bring my students to the annual powwow and this organization focused on post-secondary retention as well as promoting Aboriginal culture to all students at McGill.
I was introduced to Inuit throat singing at one of these events and I also loved that my students got to experience campus life of a Canadian university. Many of my students did not have any members of their family attend a post-secondary establishment and these experiences that the First Peoples’ House presented them with showed my students that there they can attend university and not feel alone.