Monthly Archives: November 2017

Sample Solutions to Pipe-Laying/NP-completeness for the Steiner Tree Problem

Here are sample solutions to the three parts of the Steiner Tree Problem worksheets:

  1. part 1 on understanding the problem and showing it is in NP
  2. part 2 on developing a reduction showing the problem is NP-hard
  3. part 3 on proving the reduction correct

NP-completeness tutorial worksheet and notes

Here is the worksheet and sample solution from our NP-completeness tutorials this week.

And here’s a summary sheet on NP-completeness.

Futility of Laying Pipe, Part 3

We’ve now analysed the original Steiner Tree Problem, turned it into a decision problem (SP), shown that SP is in NP (by finding a polynomial-time verifiable certificate), and laid out a polynomial-time reduction from 3-SAT to SP. Now, we need to prove our reduction correct in order to show SP is NP-hard. Together SP being in NP and NP-hard shows SP is NP-complete.

Sample Solution to Understanding Reduction in a New Light

Here is a sample solution to the notes on using reduction for NP-completeness proofs.

Readings to finish for the week of Nov 27-Dec 3

The reading this final week of classes is 8.5, 8.7, 8.8, plus a complete read of 8.10 in the Kleinberg and Tardos textbook.

This is the final set of readings for the term. If you’d like to have the full set of readings collected in one place, be sure to refer to our course material post on Piazza.

Assignment #5


  • Clarification in 4.2.1. Note that we’re allowing a “set” to be a collection of possibly non-unique items–more like a list. Solve the (harder) problem for sets of unique items for a bonus point!
  • Typo in 4.2.1. Not “a set of positive integers S of size 2n”, but “a set of positive integers S of size 12n“.
  • Error in 1.1.2 (and the quiz problem it comes from): C(i, j) equals A[i][j] plus the minimum of the options, not just the minimum of the options. (Else the answer would always be 0!)
  • Typo on 2 (various parts) the BestDeShredScore code should have a trampoline call to its helper like “return Helper([false, false, …, false], 0)”, where there are n false entries in the initial array
  • Clarification on 4 (various parts) we said “set” and meant it, but we’re allowing “multi-set”; see @521 for more details
  • on 4, individual quiz, problem 1: S[2n-i] should be S[2n-i-1]. (Or S[i] should be S[i+1], depending on 0-based vs. 1-based indexing.)

Here is Assignment #5, composed of the collected tutorial quizzes, solutions to those quizzes, and some extra questions building on the quizzes for the assignment. (Here is LaTeX source, with a .txt extension so the blog lets us post it!)

The assignment is due on Fri 1 Dec at 10PM. Please submit it on GradeScope.

Futility of Laying Pipe, Part 2

Here’s the second in a series of worksheets on NP-completeness in association with a problem in laying pipe that UBC solved a couple years back: Pipe, part 2

Readings to finish for the week of Nov 20-26

The reading this week is 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, plus an initial quick skim of 8.10 (which will be worth skimming after each section or two that you read) in the Kleinberg and Tardos textbook. (There are two quiz questions on 8.10. Hopefully, you’ll find they’re entirely doable with a skim of 8.10.)

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NP-Completeness and the Futility of Laying Pipe

Here’s the first in a series of worksheets on NP-completeness in association with a problem in laying pipe that UBC solved a couple years back.