Longest Common Subsequence, Live!

Live, in concert, Cinda and Steve and the CPSC 320 band coding Longest Common Subsequence!

Here are starter copies of the Longest Common Subsequence Jupyter Notebook in several formats:

You can run Jupyter Notebooks on UBC Syzygy (among other places, including on your own computer).

Assignment #4

Here is Assignment #4, composed of the collected tutorial quizzes, solutions to those quizzes, and some extra questions building on the quizzes for the assignment. (Here is LaTeX source, with a .txt extension so the blog lets us post it!)

The assignment is due on Fri 17 Nov at 10PM. HOWEVER, we expect to base some of the midterm problems on these quizzes/assignment. So, we strongly recommend that you create a solid draft solution before the exam (which may not yet be in clean enough form to submit).

Please submit it on GradeScope.

Longest Common Subsequence Worksheet

Here is the longest common subsequence worksheet.

Making Change (Part 2), Sample Solution

Here’s a sample solution to our second making change worksheet.

Making Change (Part 1), Sample Solution

Here’s a sample solution to our first making change worksheet.

Making Change (memoization and DP), Part 2

Here’s Part 2 of our Making Change worksheet.

Readings to finish for the week of Oct 29-Nov 4

The readings for this week are sections 6.1-6.3.

Protected: Assignment #3 Sample Solution

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Deterministic Select Sample Solution

Here are sample solutions to our live-coding exercise on Deterministic Select in various formats:


Divide and Conquer (Tug-O-War) Sample Solution

Here’s a sample solution to our divide and conquer (tug-o-war) worksheet.