Welcome to the website for CPSC 320 in 2017 Winter Term 2 (Jan-Apr 2018). We’re getting set up right now. Expect more as the term approaches. Looking forward to seeing you in January!!
In the meantime:
- Please set up your @ugrad.cs.ubc.ca e-mail account, which you’ll need almost immediately for GradeScope submission of assignments and return of quizzes, assignments, and exams!
- Be aware that we’re using Canvas (and not Connect) for the course. We’ll use it for pre-class quizzes (for you to take them and to return their results) and for recording bonus points. (Assignment submission and grading plus tutorial quiz/exam grading and return will be on GradeScope.)UBC asked that we include this message: “Dear student: Canvas is UBC’s new online learning platform, which will be gradually replacing Connect (Blackboard Learn) throughout the 2017/2018 academic year. Starting September 2017, the Faculty of Science began to host Science courses in Canvas. By September 2018, all the Faculty of Science courses will have moved to Canvas. At some point during the 2017/2018 academic year, you may have had, and/or will have Science courses in both systems (Canvas and Connect). To find out which of your classes will be in Canvas this January 2018, please check the Canvas course lists here: http://students.canvas.ubc.ca.