

Office Hours

For TA office hours, please check out the CS department’s TA office hours schedule and either scroll down to CPSC 320 or search for our course and the date you’re interested in. (Note that office hours during holidays, mid-term break, and after the last day of term are cancelled. We will schedule a special set of office hours for after the last day of the term.)

For instructor office hours, please see the People page.


  • MWF 11AM–12PM in CHBE 101 (Steve Wolfman, section 201)
  • MWF 8–9AM in DMP 310 (Patrice Belleville, section 202)

Come prepared (having done the assigned pre-class work) and ready to solve problems!


Sec Day Time Room TA (some TAs work 1/2 sessions)
T2E Wed 13:00–14:00 ORCH 4074 Adrian, Jose, Mehrdad
T2P Fri 9:00–10:00 ORCH 4074 Adrian, Brad, Jose
T2Q Fri 10:00–11:00 ORCH 4074 Allison, Kevin, Zoe
T2S Fri 10:00–11:00 MCML 158 Anya, Jose
T2A Fri 12:00–13:00 DMP 201 Allison, Frédéric
T2B Fri 13:00–14:00 DMP 101 Allison, Jose
T2R Fri 16:00–17:00 ORCH 4074 Frédéric, Kevin, Linn

NOTE: Specific staffing arrangements will differ depending on the type of week: quiz weeks, non-quiz weeks, and holiday weeks.

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