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Thoughts on Assignment 3


Dr Hans Rosling demonstrates Gapminder World

I was looking forward to creating Unit 2 because I had already planned for it. The Backward Design model has been an refreshing way to re-think planning. I feel like I’m looking through the walls of a glass house to all the different rooms and spaces, rather than having to move through opaquely, not really understanding what is on the other side or whether or not the door will be locked. O.K. – I’ll stop with the metaphor, but leave it so say – Understanding by Design allows educators to see and plan for the big picture and the details at the same time. I outlined Unit 2 way back at the beginning of the course. Since it represents “getting into it” as far as the course content goes, I already had the roadmap and the motivation to design the details. Another motivating factor has been my intention to create a course that is ready to go in September. I feel like I’ve succeeded.

I know my patterns, and I fell into one of them right away: creating a mobile game and supporting video that is time-intensive. Our digital storytelling activity in class was serendipitous with the first two activities in my new unit, creating a mobile game based on a family geographic journey. ARIS is the game platform that I planned to use. I had a slew of new ideas that I wanted to try-out with it after the ARIS Summit in Madison in July and the Unit 2 game provided me that opportunity – or should I say, temptation. I have a history of going down the rabbit hole of concentration and focus at the expense of other commitments, and I did that again with this activity. Eventually, I knew that I had to carry-on with just an incomplete demo game and video that shows my intentions. I’ve just got to re-make the video with some more images and a voice-over so that it is operational. Continue reading

Today at the ARIS Summit, UW Madison

I had an amazing day at the ARIS Summit at the University of Wisconsin, Madison today. First of all, if every have a reason to make a trip here, take it. Make excuses if you have to. It is a beautiful setting on the isthmus between Lake Mendota and Lake Menona. It has a number of “halls” (buidlings) dating back to the pre-Civil War days, a student’s union to beat all others, and loyalty to the Badger brand in the logo, crest and apparel of everyone walking around that is remarkable.ARIS2

The summit is a part of the national Games+Learning+Society Conference hosted annually in Madison. If you are interested in the effects of play on learning, and gaming in all forms from cards, boards and mobile media -this is where you want to be every July.

ARIS stands for “augmented reality for interactive storytelling.” It was developed at UW, Madison and an extended group of committed colleagues at other institutions across the U.S. as an open-sourced platform for creating mobile games, tours and interactive stories. Every year, host David Gagnon of the Wisconsin Institute of Discovery (WID: a community that studies information at the intersection of research, education and business ) and his team host a summit to bring together folks world-wide who use ARIS in some context of learning.

Today was informational, transformative and inspiring. It started with an update from the developers outlining the new implementation of the game editor and the inclusion of ARIS into into the Field Day Lab, WID’s interdisciplinary team of educators, researchers, software engineers, artists and story tellers.

This was followed by a live Skype broadcast session with research fellows, Eleni Kolovou and Maria Saridaki from Greece who outlined the INVOLVEN program, a European Lifelong Living Program (LLP) spanning 5 nations that focuses on intergenerational storytelling through classroom-, location- and web-based experiences focusing on conservation efforts. Next, RIT’s Owen Gotltleib outlined Jewish Time Jump, a focusing on the enduring historical themes played through the narrative of a time traveling reported investigating about unrest among factory workers in early 20th century.

Harvard’s Amy Kamarainen and Shari Metcalfe demonstrated the potential of integrating virutal ecosystem game EcoMuve with augmenting a real field trip using EcoMobile, where Elementary students were able to learn about pond ecology before visiting a real swamp to perform specimen analysis, all done though ARIS. Before lunch,  Nicolaas VanMeerten of the University of Minnesota showed how user analytics could be used to inform design decisions (just like in the NHL!)

In the afternoon session, Dana Atwood-Blaine of the University of Northern Iowa outlined her research investigating mastery learning using mobile learning and comparing the performance of boys and girls on STEM outcomes using ARIS at the hands-on science centre in Kansas City. Then it was my turn. I presented Dilemma 1944, my Second World War decision for enlistment game based on a narrative of Kitsilano students from the era. It was a bit un-nerving speaking in front of this crowd, but it went very well.

Phil Dougherty, Tim Lindstrom and Eric Church, all of UW outlined the complicated iterative process in creating a game on a grant budget in “Sustainable U.” The game can be played any time by students on campus to remind them of how to make good decisions about recycling and conserving energy. With their budget, they were able to hire graphic designers and animators to enhance the visual impact of their game while promoting mindful environmental practices among the student body.

In the final sessions, Denise Bressler of the Stevens Institute of Technology, Julie Oltman of Lehigh University demonstrated how iPads loaded with ARIS could enrich a grade 3 field trip to a farm; Charles Leffingwell showed how a similar system could be used in medical and nursing training; Tim Lindstorm outlined SIFTER, a geo-locative extension for ARIS that allows users to document and share images collect in field studies. Finally, Guatamala’s Elias Tzoc, a web developer for the Center of Digital Studies at Miami University in Ohio presented how ARIS was used to transfer a field activity into an augmented humanities-based game on Freedom Summer.

It was a full of information. We finished-up with a beer garden on the Tripp Deck of Memorial Union overlooking Lake Mendota. ARIS1My head was buzzing with questions as I exchanged thoughts and ideas with this exception group of people. Special shout-outs to David Gagnon, Chris Holden, Tim Lindstorm and Jim Matthews for their insights and comments. Special shout-out to Hallah Ghanem for putting it all together. I’ve still got 3 more days of the Games+Learning+Society Conference. It’s a bit overwhelming.

Interested in game-based and mobile-media learning? This is ground zero.

Designing Activities for Moodle

It has been a busy week of completing marks, boxing up my classroom in preparation for the move to the new wing of Kits next September, and beginning to build my Moodle from my UbD goals. There is a clarity and relief with surveying available activity with a clear sense of what understandings and performances that I am intending my students to achieve, and how that will be assessed. It’s like shopping for real estate with full pockets and a precise sense of what you are looking for. It continues to make the process of developing specific activities for this introductory unit quite enjoyable.

I am dealing with my second and third goals this week: gaining an awareness of different approaches to knowledge and learning, and developing 21st Century workplace team-based skills. I familiarized myself with the Constructivist sequencing frameworks that I learned in ETEC 530 last term and decided on the Driver and Oldham model (1986) and elements of the Predict-Observe-Explain model (White & Gunstone, 1992).

My second goal is concerned with students gaining an awareness of their own  epistemology and that expectation that it is most likely different from mine and other class members. Likewise, they need to determine the instructional strategies that have worked best for them in the past while considering new ones, like Constructivism.  I have decided on using the internal questionnaire tool in Moodle as a pre-assessment orientation opener.

There are two questionnaires. In the first, I have modified the language and edited Nott and Wellington’s (1993) epistemological survey and added some of my own questions based on Song, Hannifin and Hill’s (2006) “Reconciling Beliefs and Practices in Teaching and Learning” paper. In the second questionnaire, students focuses on personal learning preferences and what they expect of teachers. The final piece of the orientation is a TEDx Talk on Youtube: The Power of Belief – Mindset and Success. This is an excellent video where Eduardo Briceno differentiates between a fixed and growth mindset.

Students have their first opportunity to share their ideas in the forum: “The Nature of Knowledge and Learning.” Here they can clarify the concepts presented, discuss their own beliefs and learning preferences and challenge those of others. In the process, I am hoping that they will gain some awareness and sensitivity to the variety of ways that their classmates and teachers understand why we “do what we do” in school.

It is Friday, and I am about to begin work on the third goal concerning future workplace skills. I have come across some great resources on Edutopia that use the College Preparatory School in Oakland, California. My plan is to use it as a case-based example of collaborative learning. I will use a survey prediction as an orientation exercise where students rank what they think are the most desired workplace skills as determined by a national survey in the United States. I’ve also got an effective article by Oakley et al. (2003) that outlines group roles like hitchhiker and couch potato that I plan to work into the case study activity.

Next week is first goal: demonstrating how geographic thinking empowers people using ArcGIS Online. It’s going to be a busy weekend.

Nott, M. & Wellington, J. (1993). Your nature of science profile: An activity for science teachers. School Science Review. (75)270:109 – 112.

Oakley, B., Felder, R. M., Brent, R., & Elhajj, I. (2004). Turning student groups into effective teams. Journal of student centered learning, 2(1), 9-34.

Posner, G. J., Strike, K. A., Hewson, P. W., & Gertzog, W. A. (1982). Accommodation of a scientific conception: Toward a theory of conceptual change. Science education, 66(2), 211-227.

The UbD Process

I have just completed going through Jay McTighe’s (2004) Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook to develop my online introductory module for Assignment 2. I took my time investigating and considering each one of the steps, even though he advises against approaching the model prescriptively. I figured that for the first time around I would benefit from a direct application of his methods.

The process really forced me to consider whether or not I could connect each stage to my original goals. UbD tightens-up the design of a course or module and forces you to focus on harmonizing understandings and performance with a learning plan. My intention is to use this introduction in my Geography 12 course in September, so I wanted to be sure to include certain goals resulting from my previous attempts at a blended model. At the same time I want to have students experience success with geographic tools in a collaborative exercise as early as possible in the course. The introduction seems like the most logical and practical place to do so. I had to be careful not to let my desire to include GIS pre-empt design-based decision. I was glad to discover that it was a good fit.

In the past two experimental units with blended Geography 12, students biggest issues revolved around their resistance to new technology, working in teams, and the ill-structured and student-centered nature of Problem-Based Learning. In previous MET courses, I have written papers on technology acceptance and student resistance to Constructivist approaches to learning. The literature emphasized being proactive and addressing the issues at the beginning of an online course. At the same time, I know that the introduction of the course is a critical time to present geographical thinking and how it differs from other types of inquiry.

After a longer period that I can really afford in terms of my time, I have determined the three goals of my introductory unit, complete with understanding, essential questions, assessment evidence and learning plans:

1: Demonstrate how geographic thinking empowers people to address local, regional and global challenges concerning Earth’s natural environments and its diverse cultures.

2: Participate and consider different modes of learning

3: Develop 21st Century Workplace team-based skills

It took a considerable amount of time for me to familiarize myself with the components of geographic thinking. It’s been a year since I taught Geography 12 and I am long overdue to re-invest myself in the big-picture purposes that characterizes the discipline. It’s so easy to get lost in the content, particularly the old and tired geomorphology of the BC curriculum. Many thanks to the Canadian Geographic Society, the National Geographic Society and ESRI for their excellent online documentation and plethora of engaging media and tools.

Social Media: Regulating “Their World”

The Vancouver School Board’s policy on banning teachers from friending students on social media sites like Facebook regulates how students use mobile devices for educational purposes during and after school hours. The article “Facebook for Educators: Should it be Banned?” by Kathleen Kalk (2013), which is linked to the UBC Digital Tattoo site outlines the VSB’s attempts to address the issue. The reality of students working on mobile devices in my classes is that they are multi-tasking. Yes, they are spending most of their time on the task at hand, but I also see that they are checking and updating their social media. When groups are working collaboratively, it is not uncommon to see at least one of them on a short ebb before they re-engage in the activity. The Board exercises some control here through access to the wifi in the room; however, some students with large data packages do not use the wifi.

The VSB policy is not really intended primarily to affect the situation above; rather, it is a weak attempt to direct teacher to “monitor all content” posted by themselves or class members that are interacting on a classroom site. It clearly makes the teacher responsible for ensuring that all communication of social media sites is consistent with Board policy.  I am not a Facebook user, so the discussion of timelines etc. is slightly lost on me, but I get the gist of it. Kalk does a good job of pointing out the contradictory nature of the policy: encouraging social media use in the classroom via a class group page, but expecting interaction in an environment where students cannot access the teacher’s timeline.

She goes on to suggest two alternatives: setting-up professional accounts where updates, announcements and discussions can take place, and isolating students and parents from a teacher’s personal account whereby the latter can choose who sees any given post.

Given the plethora of valuable information for consideration on the UBC Digital Tatoo site, like social media presence, protecting your mobile, online gaming and privacy in the cloud, using Facebook seems wrought with unnecessary risk if it is simply going to be used for updates and discussions. There are better, more effective and safer web tools with which to do this.

Facebook for Educators: Should it be banned? (n.d.). Retrieved June 11, 2015, from

Working Collaboratively

Working collaboratively on the delivery platform evaluation was a learning experience. My five team members and I spanned 3 provinces, two states and 12 degrees of latitude as we worked away on our Google Doc. I really should say docs, because they seem to grow and reproduce: from a single page to 17 pages, then from 1 file to 4.

It is certainly a challenge trying to work together and meet at common times. The work flow accelerated through the week and continued all the way to submission time. I joked with Sylvain that despite my best efforts in this MET program, I have not encountered one deadline without uploading in the last hour. It seems to be inevitable.

Google Hangouts and Docs really make the process possible. The ability to speak to classmates while you all share ideas in different colours on a shared, interactive document is so effective. I was reflecting to my wife today that group work as a teenager and undergraduate was always a grind and never something that I looked forward to. In this Masters program, more often than not – and especially with this current group – classmates demonstrate how intelligent people with a common purpose and drive can produce impressive results. We get to walk-the-walk for successful collaborative learning.

Not everything went smoothly. Because not everyone could be on the working doc at any given time because of busy lives, critical decisions can be made that change the direction of the project. In our case this was complicated by the technology. As a result, one member discovered that his work had been completely edited without his knowledge as we moved in a new direction.

It was a credit to his good character and professional manner that he was able accept the situation and continue-on in the stretch. It was very impressive. I don’t think that most people could have handled it so well. Credit goes to the group too, who explained their decision and the technical glitch in a friendly and supportive way. Well done, team.

PBL and LMS: Past Experiences Stumbling in the Dark

My experience with attempting to get grade 12’s to use LMS-like functionalities on blogs or wikis was part of extended PBL units.img_2166 The more I read in this course, the more restrictive I recognize the main players in LMS like Blackboard but I also feel like their main value is as a base of mothership to other web tools.

In my first PBL experience, I jumped right in with an unstructured format and the students panicked. They were used to the structure and predictability of a traditional classroom and the only way they could rationalize what I was attempting was to believe that I was “making it up as I was going along.” It got better as soon as they began to understand PBL but they always pushed-back when it came to using sites as an LMS (“we can do this on paper; why use a computer?).

In retrospect, if I had started on Moodle and introduced the concept behind inquiry and PBL, I could have had more buy-in. At that point I could encourage them to make appropriate web tool and media choices. I don’t think you can start unstructured and then attempt to go back to a structured system: it’s one way traffic.

This ties-in with experience and context. My students resisted PBL because they were unfamiliar with it. If and when I teach students in the future who have experience with it and acceptance of LMS-like web platforms (like Wikispaces, Edmodo etc), then the jump to a full LMS with companion sites would be normalized. The insidious problem that I see in the public school system is that many teachers perpetuate they way that they were taught as the norm an silo themselves away from progressive pedagogies. The result is students that come to expect those traditional methods.

As new teachers come into the system who have used LMS in their own education – and have strong opinions on what they liked and didn’t like – there is an opportunity for change. Unfortunately there will be a lag time before that happens (let’s hope those new teacher will not be copying the linear delivery and control functions of Connect).

Right now I’m thinking of an approach where my blended class starts the year with an LMS an gets familiar with its functionality. After a period of time, we assess the LMS for likes and dislikes, then both students and myself present other web tools where the desired functions are outsourced. The class would then decide as a whole on those tools versus making it wide open, which would put demands on everyone to have logins to view each others work etc.

The LMS Decision: Weighing the Options

OK, so I’ve had a look through our four LMS options, gone to their sites, watched the videos, and now I’m sitting here trying to decide on one. Before tonight I was certain it was going to be Moodle because it’s my old friend from the past. I really liked the clean, uncluttered page layout with the blocks showing on the sides and weeks (topics) in the middle. The ability to open only the current week while seeing the others provided a wide view of all content options. I especially liked the ‘recent posts’ and “online” blocks, which again were visible without leaving the main page. My only reservation with Moodle is that I plan to use my experience in 565A to inform an LMS decision for the blended course I’m teaching at my school in September. The rub is that the Vancouver School Board determines an administrator on a first come first serve basis, and a colleague with little interest or skills in technology scooped that title for my school at a ProD day (that sounds petty, I know, but all I see is problems).

Connect is a non starter because I have yet to hear a positive review of it from fellow MET classmates, instructors or in the press. It seems to be the grand daddy monolith of them all, and I get the sense from the documentation that it is difficult to navigate. I have to admit that the Spiro article about the impending death of learning management systems is nudging me towards EdX and Eliademy. Many thanks to Pam, who has already done the tutorial course on EdX and has an excellent review of it on the May 20 entry of her blog. I’m setting aside tomorrow night to do the same. My concern is BC’s  FOIPPA laws and the fact that the data would be on US servers (is this right? can’t tell with the Edge version).

I leaning towards Eliademy. I’m a sucker for clean design after years of trauma with D2L, and who doesn’t love the Finns? It’s functionality seems like a good fit for a secondary blended course, allowing for text and multimedia content, discussions and a quiz options. So tomorrow, I’m going deep on the new open source options and making a decision. I’m interested to hear what considerations or observations that anyone else has had so far.

Welcome to my site

I am a teacher at Kitsilano Secondary School in Vancouver, where I teach Social Studies and Physical Education. craig_blackboard21This is my 6th course in the MET program and one that is particularly timely for me, as I will be teaching a blended Geography 12 course this coming fall. Our school is in the process of being rebuilt with an emphasis on design that allows for 21st Century Learning. Important decisions about educational technology and instructional design are still in the planning process, so I am hoping that this course will help me to contribute to those discussions.

This space will document my efforts and learning throughout the course and a place for me to reflect on the process. I am looking forward to sharing my ideas with everyone – please feel free to comment.