Call for Papers

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we have decided to postpone CWSL until 2021. This has been a difficult decision for us, but one that is in everyone’s best interest. The main purpose of this workshop is to provide a venue for sociolinguists in the Northwest to get together, learn about each other’s research and socialize in a relaxed and safe environment – and the way things are looking currently, this is simply not possible to achieve this year. We do not yet know the exact dates for CWSL 2021, but it will be held in Vancouver as originally planned, likely sometime around April. We will update the website with new information as it becomes available.

Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia are proud to host the fourth Cascadia Workshop in Sociolinguistics (CWSL), which will take place April 17–18, 2020 at SFU Harbour Centre in Vancouver, BC. This student-centred event has the primary aim of bringing together researchers working on sociolinguistic topics of interest in the Pacific Northwest and building community among sociolinguists at institutions within the region.

Abstracts are invited on any topic in sociolinguistics, including discourse analysis, linguistic anthropology, and other related fields. Abstracts should be anonymous, should not exceed 300 words (excluding references), and should be submitted electronically to:

We particularly welcome submissions from students (undergraduate, honors, graduate).

Talks will be 15 minutes in length with 15 minutes for questions.

Please circulate this call for papers among your colleagues and students.

Hope to see you in Vancouver!

Deadline for abstract submission: February 3 2020 (Monday, 11:59pm PST) 
Notification of decisions: Monday, March 2 2020

Questions and inquiries may be sent to: