Hello world!

This is an advertisement from Juul, one of the biggest vaping products manufacturers in the world. We have seen a significant increase in the popularity of vaping products in the past few years and that could be attributed to the strategic advertisement by these companies. Although these products contain nicotine, like cigarettes, they try to market their product as being cool and safe. Furthermore, the introduction of various flavours such as cucumber, berry, and mango serves to hide the fact that this product is addictive and has many long term health impacts. By advertising their products in this way the company has try to appeal to younger customers and as an unfortunate result cases of teen consumption of nicotine has surged significantly over the past few years.


This advertisement appeared on Juul’s website in May, 2019. Its massage is simple yet powerful. They claim that Juul is an evolved form of smoking which would particularly appeal to the younger crowd since they would view smoking as being evolved and therefore viewing themselves as adults. From my personal experience in high school, most of the kids that are drawn into smoking view vaping as an activity that only mature students do, and therefore they feel evolved. In this assignment I will try to counter the aforementioned points by drawing attention to similarities between cigarettes and Juul, and the simple fact that both contain nicotine. 

In my jammed version of the advertisement I wanted to draw attention to the similarity of Juul products and cigarettes. First, I wanted to show that the product still contains nicotine, but at the same time I wanted to refute the common view by teenagers that smoking is a mature behaviour, so I crossed out “evolved” from the advertisement and replaced it by “nicotine” to emphasize that this product contains nicotine which is rarely mentioned by the manufacturer. However, as we all know, visual clues would significantly improve the effectiveness of the written text. Thus I wanted to convey the same message through the image itself by replacing part of the Juul device with a cigarette.

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