Billion Dollar Industry?

The potential opportunity that the marijuana industry represents to Canada is a topic that the government and citizens of Canada should closely examine. Presently 37,359 citizens in Canada are legally approved by Health Canada to use medicinal marijuana. This number is projected to rise to 450,000 by 2024. The increase in the number of marijuana users in Canada provides colossal potential for significant revenue generation, some estimates putting this at $1.3 billion by the year 2024.

The Marijuana Industry in Canada

These estimates, conducted by Federal projections, are one of the reasons the expansion of the medicinal marijuana industry is so tempting. By expanding the growth and production of medicinal marijuana, officials are also hoping this will help to drop the demand for marijuana on the black market. This expansion will help to decrease the price of marijuana to $7.60/gram from $10.00/gram, which is the current selling rate of marijuana on the black market. This decrease in price of legalized marijuana will result in increased demand for legal marijuana thereby decreasing the demand for illegal marijuana. The RCMP is hoping that this marijuana policy will lower the 50,000 annual drug arrests which occur in Canada due to marijuana use. They also hope it will lower the $500 million a year spent fighting the drug trade.

The Marijuana Industry in America

Sources Cited

High Ethic Standard of Japanese Culture

March 11th, 2013, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit Japan causing not only damage at the time of impact, but also issues that are still affecting the world today. The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant was badly affected and radiation has been found to be leaking out of the reactors and into the groundwater, which could cause lasting problems.

What is it going to cost to fix the problem? According to Yahoo! News, the Japanese Government is planning to spend $470 million in the hope of freezing the soil around the nuclear reactors to direct the toxic water away from the people. The government has shown its willingness to spend large amounts of money to rectify the issue that they caused. In this situation they have put world issues before the financial costs, showing they are taking responsibility for the problems they caused.

In my opinion it is important that companies and foreign countries take initiative to help aid in a problem that could affect them as much as it is affecting Japan. It is up to the other countries and business’ to involve themselves in the issue. Offering support wherever needed, and if that means helping Japan financially, then that is what should be done. Even we as consumers could play a role in helping Japan, whether it is donating or buying Japanese products to stimulate their economy once again.
