Classroom Arrangement

Posted by in Classroom Environment, Practicum

Once I was a few weeks into my practicum my school advisor gave me the a-okay to rearrange the desks.  I took the weekend and really thought about it and the different ways I could set my classroom up.  The students had started the year in pods of 6 which changed into pods of 4.

By the end of the weekend I had come up with two scenarios.  The students could set in pods of 4, but rearranged so students were sitting in different spots, or in a U shape with pods of two in the middle. The next class I brought this attention to the students because I wanted their input in creating our classroom environment.  They unanimously decided that the U shape was the best choice.  I made sure to reinforce to them that this could change and if they were unhappy with the arrangement it was fluid.

However, as the weeks have progressed I have found this new arrangement magical.  The students have been able to work much more efficiently and effectively, and the space is now conducive to constant circulating.  I am very pleased with how the desk set up has gone.  I continue to engage in conversation with the students before switching them with another spot and this seems to help the students take on responsibility for their own learning.

Below are pictures from before and after.

The set-up in September

The arrangement in January.

Picture 1 of my arrangement.

Second picture of my arrangement.