Family Needs Unit: Clothing

Posted by in Practicum, Social Studies

During our Thursday visits I helped my SA organize a clothing day in their Family Needs Unit.  The students had discussed that we need water, food, and shelter prior to my day with them.

We started the day by reading a picture book about clothing and discussing why we need clothing.  We discussed reasons such as to keep warm, to express your opinion, to demonstrate your culture, and for functionality.  The students were very quick to grasp these concepts and understand them.

We then did a writing piece about their favourite piece of clothing and they drew a picture of them wearing it.

After recess we had gym, in which we play classic games such as Fruit Salad with a clothing twist.  The students had to listen and if they were wearing the piece of clothing I called they participated in that round.

After lunch we had an afternoon full of activities.  We started by reading another picture book and discussing how we wear different clothes during different parts of the year.  Each student got a cut out cartoon with which they coloured to be themselves.  Once they had finished that, they received a picture of a season.  They had to imagine how they would dress if they were in that scene.  They then dressed their dolls for the seasons.  This activity allowed the students to imagine what you would want to wear if it was raining, snowing, or hot and sunny outside.  The students also had to recall that with the seasons comes different weather and changing temperatures.

Below you can find few of the examples of the students’ work:
