The Beginning of Practicum

Posted by in Practicum

I have now done 2 Thursdays in my practicum placement and I am loving every time I am there. I am very fortunate to have a wonderful school advisor (SA) who has been great enough to impart a ton of knowledge on me so far.  I am looking forward to continue to learn from her and the rest of the faculty at my school.  I have joined up to start coaching the cross-country team on Thursdays, while I am there, and then on Tuesdays and Wednesdays as well when I am there for my long-term practicum. I think this will be very exciting!

My SA was kind enough to allow me to take some pictures of her classroom and post these on my ePortfolio.  There are a ton of ideas here that I cannot wait to use in my classroom.

[The classroom]

[The classroom – part two]

[An activity about the seasons]