Danielle Robertson's ePortfolio


Posted by in Art, Practicum

Last Thursday, when I was in my practicum my students were working on an art project.  It was a wreath of corn and leaves with seeds around the centre.  It was a great craft that was simple enough for a Grade 1 level, but was still a complex craft.  My school advisor had painted bubble wrap and the students placed sheets of paper onto the bubble wrap to make the “corn”.  After that had dried, and my SA had painted sheets of paper with green paint to make the leaves,…read more


The Beginning of Practicum

Posted by in Practicum

I have now done 2 Thursdays in my practicum placement and I am loving every time I am there. I am very fortunate to have a wonderful school advisor (SA) who has been great enough to impart a ton of knowledge on me so far.  I am looking forward to continue to learn from her and the rest of the faculty at my school.  I have joined up to start coaching the cross-country team on Thursdays, while I am there, and then on Tuesdays and Wednesdays as well when I…read more


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