Danielle Robertson's ePortfolio

5 Minute Quiet

Posted by in Classroom Environment, Practicum

Throughout my practicum I have realized that the students who are in my classroom are an extremely kinaesthetic bunch. They are constantly needing to move their bodies in some shape or form.  They work best with hands-on activities rather than activities that require mostly speech.  I also noticed that they had trouble staying at their own desks when it was time for independent work.  Therefore, I implemented a strategy that we call ‘5 minutes quiet.’  This requires the students to remain quiet for 5 minutes as I circulate the room….read more


Classroom Arrangement

Posted by in Classroom Environment, Practicum

Once I was a few weeks into my practicum my school advisor gave me the a-okay to rearrange the desks.  I took the weekend and really thought about it and the different ways I could set my classroom up.  The students had started the year in pods of 6 which changed into pods of 4. By the end of the weekend I had come up with two scenarios.  The students could set in pods of 4, but rearranged so students were sitting in different spots, or in a U shape…read more


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