Danielle Robertson's ePortfolio

Lingering Question

Posted by in Inquiry, Professional Development

After my practicum was completed I still struggled with how to teach literacy to children.  What was the best approach?  Was it top-down or bottom-up?  Do I start with phonics?  Do I have literacy centres that require all morning?  I would love to start to explore these avenues of questions that all point to the most effective way to promote literacy in children. There are multiple ways I will begin to address this question.  The first approach is through literature.  I can start reading “The Daily 5” by Gail Boushey.  …read more


Beginning of Inquiry

Posted by in Inquiry, Professional Development

Today in our inquiry class we started discussion about which questions we could explore during our practicum.  The following seven questions are some of the questions that I have created. 1) Can rote memorization help reinforce my students’ learning?  This is in reference to my school advisor’s power points that she plays during transition periods 2) What method is better for teaching grade 1 students? At the carpet, at desks, or a combination of the two? 3) When is too much, too much in reference to commercial products? 4) Does…read more


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